Carlo Clopath


Carlo Clopath

'Palutta 2012-2014', series of kitchen accessories

Products and objects

Jury report

Palutta – a series of kitchen accessories
The works of young in­dus­trial de­signer Carlo Clopath re­flect the rugged­ness and the wild, un­spoilt na­ture of his na­tive Graubünden. The temp­ta­tion to touch his cre­ations is al­most ir­re­sistible, so sen­sual and in­tense is their aura. Carlo Clopath’s ob­jects ap­peal to mul­ti­ple senses; they cre­ate an at­mos­phere. In them, his sto­ries, mem­o­ries, in­ci­dents and ex­pe­ri­ences from his life can be both felt and seen.
Re­ceiv­ing a com­mis­sion to de­sign a se­ries of cut­lery and kitchen uten­sils for a restau­rant, he went back to the table­ware, cus­toms and tra­di­tions of the Graubünden re­gion. The uten­sils, such as the spoon made of maple wood, are turned and the wooden items used to eat with are treated with ‘urushi’, a durable, nat­ural pro­tec­tive lac­quer, using an an­cient Japan­ese tech­nique. For the col­lec­tion, Clopath works with nu­mer­ous dif­fer­ent ma­te­ri­als using a broad range of craft skills.
The award-win­ning ‘Pa­lutta’ col­lec­tion is pro­duced in­dus­tri­ally by a com­pany in Graubünden.
Carlo Clopath’s ex­pe­ri­ence work­ing in a stu­dio in Den­mark and as artist in res­i­dence at the Statens Vaerk­st­eder for Kunst in Copen­hagen comes through in his ob­jects, with their per­fect in­ter­play of nat­u­ral­ness and re­fine­ment, the un­wrought and the sculpted.
It’s easy to be­lieve that soup tastes bet­ter when served with the Pa­lutta spoon.
Bar­bara Vla­chos


Carlo Clopath
Born in
Industrial Designer


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