Florian Kräutli
'Magnetic Curtain'
Product and Industrial Design
'Magnetic Curtain'
Product and Industrial Design
Magnetic Appeal
Our living spaces are flooded by invisible and omnipresent electromagnetic fields. This set Florian Kräutli wondering how those spaces might look if they were structured not by light but by the spectrum of the electromagnetic field. It was this curiosity, and a few experiments, that sparked his idea for a malleable textile shaped by magnetic forces. And so the Magnetic Curtain came to be.
Born in Winterthur, Kräutli graduated from the Design Academy of Eindhoven in the summer of 2009. In designing his objects, he is interested primarily in the process itself; he observes it, intervening only where necessary. It is this fundamentally intellectual approach to the task in hand that lends his designs their unusual and distinctive edge.
The Magnetic Curtain can be modelled into any shape. Its built-in structural components keep it in the desired form that has been created by pushing and pulling the material into shape. The curtain is studded with tiny golden magnets sewn onto the fabric in geometrical alignments. The magnets are strong enough to keep the required shape stable while at the same time easy enough to pull apart quickly so that the curtain can be returned to its original form at any time. A clever system of plastic triangles sewn inside the soft fabric prevents the magnets from clicking together uncontrollably. In short, this is organised chaos.
The Magnetic Curtain has many potential uses: as a classic window adornment, as a room divider or even as a wardrobe shell. As an object, this versatile curtain, whose form can be changed with ease, has an appeal that is both playful and sensual. It is almost impossible to walk past it without feeling an irresistible temptation to alter its sculptural shape and take delight in the quiet snap of the magnets.
Dutch design label Droog sat up and took notice the moment the Magnetic Curtain was posted on a design blog, and approached the young designer the very same day with a view to including it in their collection.
Anna Niederhäuser
Florian Kräutli
Born in
BA of Design, Department Man and Living
(Design Academy Eindhoven, NL)