Eric Andersen


Eric Andersen

Posters 2006 – 2009

Graphic Design

Jury report

Finding the Right Image
At the mo­ment, Eric An­der­sen is con­cen­trat­ing ex­clu­sively on poster de­sign. This Dan­ish-born graphic artist based in Zurich is much in de­mand thanks to his unique vi­sual idiom. An­der­sen's clients come from a close-knit scene and in­clude the Zukunft Club near Langstrasse, friends and ac­quain­tances, or the singer Sabina Leone. The posters he cre­ates for all his clients have a strik­ing recog­ni­tion fac­tor, the more so since he ig­nores the con­ven­tional dic­tates of motif, ty­pog­ra­phy or colour. Nor does he pay much heed to the con­ven­tions of for­mat. If he is com­mis­sioned to de­sign a birth an­nounce­ment, for in­stance, it might well end up hav­ing to be sent out in poster for­mat.
An­der­sen sees a new chal­lenge in each and every piece of work that is com­mis­sioned. He takes his in­spi­ra­tion from a va­ri­ety of his­tor­i­cal styles such as Disco or Art Deco. The colours look as though they have come from some other, per­haps bet­ter, time. His ex­tra­or­di­nary tal­ent for choos­ing colours is par­tic­u­larly ev­i­dent when he re­stricts him­self to just one tone. An­der­sen has no affin­ity with the brash, cheap aes­thet­ics of gloss. In­deed, some of his posters look so pre­cious that it al­most seems a shame to dis­play them in the street. Per­haps this is why he him­self seeks out the best places for them, where they can age and yel­low in peace. The work­ing process re­mains in his hands right to the end.
Eric An­der­sen is an artist when it comes to find­ing the right image for his posters. So it is hardly sur­pris­ing that the graphic de­signer ac­tu­ally signs some of them. With a sure hand, he deftly stages his se­lec­tion of lyri­cal and ex­pres­sive im­ages within a pre­cisely and sen­si­tively arranged ty­po­graph­i­cal com­po­si­tion.
Anna Niederhäuser


Eric Hans Andersen
Born in
Graphic Designer


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