Julian Zigerli


Julian Zigerli

'At the End of the World to the Left', fashion collection, spring/summer 20146

Fashion and Textile Design

Jury report

Welcome to Zigerworld
As we im­merse our­selves in the world of tex­tile de­signer Ju­lian Zigerli, we en­counter trendy, colour­ful prints, vi­brant colours, play­ful and hu­mor­ous el­e­ments, un­con­ven­tional de­tails and strik­ing pat­terns. His col­lec­tions are a bold mix of poly­ester, piqué, trans­par­ent fab­rics, cut-outs, gaudy colours and wild pat­terns: this is fash­ion for the brave.
After com­plet­ing his stud­ies at the Berlin Uni­ver­sity of the Arts in 2010, he re­turned to his home town of Zurich and began work on build­ing his label and de­sign­ing his first col­lec­tions. Ini­tial recog­ni­tion came swiftly there­after, and in­cluded the Swiss De­sign Award for his third men’s col­lec­tion ‘To In­fin­ity and Be­yond’ in 2012.
The Fed­eral De­sign Jury has now pre­sented him with the Swiss De­sign Award for the sec­ond time, this year for his spring/sum­mer col­lec­tion ‘At the End of the World to the Left’. The col­lec­tion is the prod­uct of a close col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Ger­man artist Katha­rina Grosse, whose work in­volves spray-paint­ing large walls. Zigerli’s col­lec­tion was cre­ated using the same tech­nique: he dressed his mod­els in white and sprayed them with large areas of vi­brant colour using a spray gun. The gar­ments that re­sulted served as the basis for the fab­ric prints from which his col­lec­tion was fi­nally made. This print­ing process gives rise to a colour­ful and eye-catch­ing print that merges with the white fab­ric in a light and airy way. Yet for all its light­ness and trans­parency, the col­lec­tion is also trend-set­ting. Hardly sur­pris­ing, then, that his fresh and ap­peal­ing men’s fash­ion has also made waves out­side Switzer­land. In ad­di­tion to major suc­cess in Asia, where Zigerli’s work is fly­ing off the shelves, his col­lec­tions have at­tracted in­ter­est and cu­rios­ity at the big fash­ion shows, most re­cently in Milan and Berlin.
The dis­tinc­tive fea­ture of Zigerli’s fash­ion for men is the way it unites ex­tro­vert prints and strik­ing colours with com­fort and wear­a­bil­ity. It is this artis­tic qual­ity that the jury has recog­nised with a major award.
Mar­tina Longo


Julian Zigerli
Born in
Fashion designer


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