Simone Koller


Simone Koller

A selection of projects

Graphic Design

Jury report

Visualising content
We judge a book very much by its cover - and this prin­ci­ple is the thread that runs through­out the work of Si­mone Koller.
The graphic de­signer, who grad­u­ated from the Zurich Uni­ver­sity of the Arts in 2005 and the Werk­plaats Ty­pografie in Arn­hem in 2011, is in­volved pri­mar­ily in book de­sign. In each case, she works closely with every­one in­volved in the book: di­a­logue with artists, pub­lish­ers and au­thors is cen­tral to her ap­proach, and the only way to cre­ate that fas­ci­nat­ing in­ter­play be­tween a book's form and its con­tent.
In Koller's work, the ten­sion be­tween de­sign and con­tent is achieved through the play of hi­er­ar­chies, for­mal lan­guages and ma­te­ri­als, and the re­sult is a dra­matic com­po­si­tion that in­volves the viewer in the con­text of the con­tent. A typ­i­cal ex­am­ple is Ma Bice Bolje (2012), where the ten­sion is cre­ated by adding a num­ber of de­sign lev­els be­tween full-bleed pages, colour pho­tographs, grey pages, book­lets and a map. Pages of text are in­ter­spersed with colour pho­tos, in­ject­ing vari­a­tion and vi­sual di­ver­sity into our re­cep­tion of the con­tent, in­ter­rupt­ing the flow and ren­der­ing the book's con­tent ac­ces­si­ble on a num­ber of planes.
In­deed, the abil­ity to en­gage with the book's con­text, to com­bine form and con­tent in a vi­su­ally ap­peal­ing man­ner while at the same time cre­at­ing ten­sion is the out­stand­ing strength of Si­mone Koller's graphic works; and it is this that the Fed­eral De­sign Jury recog­nises with the Swiss De­sign Award.
Mar­tina Longo


Simone Koller
Born in
Graphic Designer
