Robert Huber


Robert Huber

'Alta Demi Display', 'Inter Medium Text', 'Vogue Light Display', fonts

Graphic Design

Jury report

Works for Mario
Robert Huber wins a Swiss De­sign Award for fonts cre­ated as part of com­mis­sions. Com­ple­ment­ing the fonts that he ini­ti­ates him­self, such or­ders are in fact an ex­ten­sion of the same work: the trans­po­si­tion of his knowl­edge into a spe­cific pro­ject de­fined by cer­tain pa­ra­me­ters. The chal­lenge lies in en­gag­ing with the needs of his clients, most of whom have a pre­cise idea of how their font should look. These are not the kind of com­mis­sions that en­com­pass the en­tire graphic con­cept. Rather, they out­source what is an em­i­nently im­por­tant part of the pro­ject: one that com­bines image and text.
Huber has worked for Mario Testino’s agency Mario Testino+ on two oc­ca­sions, de­vel­op­ing the Alta Demi Dis­play and Vogue Light Dis­play fonts for his client. The pro­ject for the March 2014 issue of Vogue Ger­many was to cre­ate a high-con­trast, sans serif font that suited the photo se­ries con­tained in this spe­cial issue while at the same time re­main­ing true to the over­all look of Vogue Ger­many. The sec­ond font was cre­ated specif­i­cally for Mario Testino’s ex­hi­bi­tion and book pro­ject ‘Alta Moda’. Here too, there were clear ideas and re­quire­ments to take ac­count of that were shaped by the ex­ist­ing con­tent and vi­su­als. The jury was par­tic­u­larly im­pressed by the ex­e­cu­tion, and the award recog­nises both the ty­po­graph­i­cal work and its com­mu­nica­tive im­pact.
Pa­trizia Criv­elli


Robert Huber
Born in
Graphic Designer


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