Maria Trofimova
Photo research 'BYZANTINE SUPERJET (The Field of Wonders)' (diploma work)
Photo research 'BYZANTINE SUPERJET (The Field of Wonders)' (diploma work)
Worlds Apart
Maria Trofimova has been awarded a Swiss Federal Design Grant for her degree piece 'BYZANTINE SUPERJET (The Field of Wonders)'. The title itself suggests a clash of worlds. With the aid of cutting-edge technology, we find ourselves suddenly catapulted into another, different, perhaps bygone world. The subtitle offers an additional clue: The Field of Wonders does indeed open up a broad realm of the imagination, curiosities, clichés, stereotypes and, as it turns out, the ethnographic gaze.
Russian-born Maria Trofimova came to Switzerland in 1990 at the age of six. Haunted by vague childhood memories of a faraway, seemingly bygone time, she decided to return to Russia to undertake her degree project. A tourist in her native country, she wondered what would happen after all these years when images and western clichés about Russia met with reality. That was what Maria Trofimova wanted to find out – partly for herself, but also as a study in the perceptions of otherness and identity or, more specifically, how we perceive others and others perceive us. She explores aspects of memory: not only seeking and finding memory, but also the role that memory plays in the attempt to forge identity. Finally, she also confronts us with the somewhat sobering realisation that there is little to distinguish between family pictures, propaganda images from the Soviet era, and documentary, staged and found photography. Many different lines of enquiry intersect here. Her photographic work is channelled into a forty-four page diary in A3 format. There, a world unfolds that seems strangely alien and yet at the same time familiar. The paper and layout affectionately recall a family album. However, Maria Trofimova does not help us to read the images. What we see is what we make of them ourselves. The interpretation of her work is entirely in the eye of the beholder. That is both its beauty and its strength.
Patrizia Crivelli
Maria Trofimova
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle