Claudia Caviezel


Claudia Caviezel

Textile design collection

Textile Design

Jury report

Instinctive Excellence in Working with Patterns and Colours
How is it pos­si­ble to keep cre­at­ing new pat­terns with­out ac­quir­ing a sig­na­ture style and with­out re­peat­ing one­self? To find out, look at the work of tex­tile de­signer Clau­dia Caviezel, a na­tive of Zug. She de­signed a re­mark­able num­ber of fab­rics in the five years she spent work­ing for the haute cou­ture fab­ric maker Jakob Schlaepfer in St. Gallen. Caviezel has a pen­chant for lux­u­ri­ously sen­sual pat­terns, which she com­bines with a bold palette. Her work ex­udes a de­light in ex­per­i­men­ta­tion. A de­sign in chif­fon, used for Akris cre­ations, shows dabs of pink, or­ange, blue and yel­low that are like swarms of fish afloat against a sur­pris­ing pat­tern of swirling earth-coloured sand. From a dis­tance, the or­na­men­tal pat­terns and colour com­bi­na­tions of se­quined fab­ric for a Louis Vuit­ton col­lec­tion look like bird's-eye pho­tographs of North African desert cities. The one thing com­mon to all of Cavieziel's de­signs is their in­stinc­tive ex­cel­lence in work­ing with pat­terns and colours. In her lav­ishly lux­u­ri­ous and glam­orous de­signs, she con­sis­tently man­ages to give a vi­brant new twist to old and fa­mil­iar themes. Even the wild­cat fur pat­tern on iri­des­cent poly­ester for Vi­vian West­wood is ut­terly en­chant­ing. Cavieziel's out­put strik­ingly demon­strates a mas­tery of com­plex tech­niques and dis­crim­i­nat­ing skill in com­bin­ing hand­crafted work with in­dus­trial man­u­fac­ture. Her cre­ations, mo­ti­vated by an al­most in­fi­nite cu­rios­ity and ex­per­i­men­ta­tion, are a cor­nu­copia of ideas ex­e­cuted with un­err­ing per­fec­tion. Clau­dia Caviezel made her debut with 'Tape it', a spec­tac­u­lar diploma pro­ject pre­sented at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Luzern (HGK Luzern) in 2002. Just a year later in 2003, she re­ceived the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award, win­ning it a sec­ond time in 2007.
Peter Stohler


Claudia Caviezel
Born in

Textildesignerin FH, MA in Design (European Design Labs, Madrid)


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