Claudia Caviezel


Claudia Caviezel

Textiles collections for fashion and interior 2003 – 2007

Textile Design

Jury report

Printed, embroidered, glued and pleated
Clau­dia Caviezel's tex­tiles con­vey a sense of rel­ish. Each in­di­vid­ual item is full of sur­prises: here she has pinned black coco beads to the fab­ric, there she has let dif­fer­ent pat­terns run into each other and then she stretches a nar­row, long, folded rib­bon out to form a large area if its ends are pulled. Clau­dia Caviezel is pre­sent­ing a se­ries of de­signs, con­sist­ing of colour pho­tog­ra­phy, em­broi­dery and fab­ric print­ing at dif­fer­ent stages of de­vel­op­ment that could form the basis of a tex­tile col­lec­tion for fash­ion or in­te­rior use. The fab­rics used ex­tend from chif­fon via cot­ton to metal fab­ric, which she prints, em­broi­ders, glues and pleats. She shows that she is mis­tress of more than one tech­nol­ogy, and is not a slave to any par­tic­u­lar style. She mixes craft tech­niques with in­dus­trial processes and cul­ti­vates a per­sonal style amidst all this abun­dance. She has used tape to put some of the pieces to­gether in a way that sug­gests clothes. The jury was im­pressed by the de­signs sub­mit­ted, which show how Clau­dia Caviezel has de­vel­oped since her diploma. In 2003 she was awarded the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Grant for the work called 'Tape-it' she sub­mit­ted for her final ex­am­i­na­tions at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Luzern. She ex­per­i­mented with glued seams and de­sign in the ex­am­i­na­tion piece, re­plac­ing the tra­di­tional thread with ad­he­sive tape. This pro­duced an in­spir­ing col­lec­tion of sketches, clothes, fab­rics and ac­ces­sories – also at var­i­ous stages of de­vel­op­ment. When start­ing on the cur­rent col­lec­tion, Clau­dia Caviezel had been work­ing for an­other four years, de­vel­op­ing tex­tiles that go well be­yond the idea of fash­ion. She ex­per­i­ments with com­bin­ing fab­rics, ma­te­ri­als and processes that are un­fa­mil­iar in this form, and the jury re­ceived them en­thu­si­as­ti­cally.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Claudia Caviezel
Born in

Textildesignerin FH, MA in Design (European Design Labs, Madrid)


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