Prill & Vieceli: Tania Prill, Alberto Vieceli


Prill & Vieceli: Tania Prill / Alberto Vieceli

Various publications

Graphic Design

Jury report

To the Point
For the sec­ond time in a row, the jury have de­cided to ho­n­our the work com­ing from the 'Prill & Vieceli' vi­sual com­mu­ni­ca­tion stu­dio; they also won the Jan Tschi­chold Prize in 2007. They un­der­stand their craft and have ac­quired an ex­tra­or­di­nary feel for the­matic pe­cu­liar­i­ties. Each and every pub­li­ca­tion has got its own in­di­vid­ual char­ac­ter, and the de­sign is adapted every time so as to be per­fectly suited to the con­tent: from for­mat to ty­po­graph­i­cal ex­e­cu­tion to vi­sual pre­sen­ta­tion, every book is given its own lan­guage. Those two graphic de­sign­ers from Zurich are equally versed in tra­di­tional book de­sign as well as de­sign trends, but they're never deaf to spe­cial re­quests from the client. All of these qual­i­ties are ap­par­ent in 'Arosa', which, as a tra­di­tion­ally de­signed non­fic­tion book with a Re­design look, res­ur­rects the idea of mod­ernism that char­ac­terised chic 1920s and 30s health re­sorts, and 'In der Mitte des Volkes', a pic­ture and re­port book, in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­claimed at this year's Leipzig Book Fair, shows its table of con­tents on the cover. The the­matic breadth is enor­mous. Artist mono­graphs on Nele Stecher or David Willen also at­test to the cre­ative di­ver­sity of their books as well as a trib­ute to the his­tor­i­cal Let­zi­grund sta­dium or the po­etry vol­ume 'Eine zornige Blume will ich sein' by au­thor Elis­a­beth J. Stirn­i­mann. To Tania Prill and Al­berto Vieceli it is not the recog­nis­abil­ity of their per­sonal style that mat­ters the most, but how they can make the de­sign ad­dress the con­tent and in­ter­act with it. With care and pre­ci­sion and a wealth of ex­cit­ing ideas, every book be­comes a for­mally beau­ti­ful ob­ject that you don't mind leav­ing in full view on the cof­fee table.
Ed­uard Hart­mann


Tania Prill
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name

also in

Alberto Vieceli
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name

also in
