PrillVieceliCremers: Sebastian Cremers / Tania Prill / Alberto Vieceli
A selection of projects
Graphic Design
A selection of projects
Graphic Design
Limitless resources
The graphic design collective consisting of Tania Prill, Alberto Vieceli and, since 2010, Sebastian Cremers has achieved the hat-trick, winning a Swiss Design Award for the third – and thus last – time. Already the recipient of numerous accolades (including the Jan Tschichold Award 2007), the Zurich-based group are skilled practitioners of their art and have an acute sense of how to translate a broad range of topics into graphic design. They are remarkably adept at engaging, identifying, collecting and combining, creating a perfect meld of content and form in every publication they work for. Each project is conceived and designed afresh in terms of typography, visual content and execution.
Prill/Vieceli/Cremers, then, stand not for a perpetually reproduced style of their own but rather for a unique and profound engagement with the topics presented to them in each project, and how best to represent them visually.
Patrizia Crivelli
Sebastian Cremers
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name
Tania Prill
Geboren Né/Née en Nato/Nata in Born in
Ausbildung Formation Education
Graphic Designer
Gruppenname Collectif Group name
Alberto Vieceli
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name