Prill & Vieceli: Tania Prill, Alberto Vieceli


Prill & Vieceli: Tania Prill / Alberto Vieceli

16 books, two posters 1999 – 2007

Graphic Design

Jury report

Books like Punk and textiles
The two graphic de­sign­ers Tania Prill and Al­berto Vieceli pre­sented 16 books and two posters for the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Com­pe­ti­tion. A lav­ish and ma­ture se­lec­tion. We are look­ing at work by two sea­soned de­sign­ers who are al­ways ready to try some­thing new, de­spite sev­eral years in the busi­ness, ac­claim and good clients. Their books and posters are pro­fes­sion­ally de­signed, but never look like mere rou­tine. The jury is im­pressed by the two artist's ded­i­ca­tion to book de­sign, their care­ful use of ty­pog­ra­phy and the fact that they are open to new de­sign ap­proaches and type­faces. The book 'Hot Love' about the Punk move­ment in Switzer­land is a clear ex­am­ple of how they trans­late con­tent into de­sign. The rough, di­rect na­ture of that youth move­ment reap­pears in these pages. The book is only par­tially based on a grid. Pho­tographs and text are al­ways slightly stag­gered in re­la­tion to each other; the pic­tures are spaced dif­fer­ently. The book con­sists al­most en­tirely of pages printed in black and white, there are very few colour ac­cents to break the rhythm at ir­reg­u­lar in­ter­vals. De­spite its size, the book is rel­a­tively light, as Tania Prill and Al­berto Vieceli have cho­sen a vo­lu­mi­nous Munken paper. Two con­tem­po­rary posters serve as a cover, with de­tails of book and au­thors added by the de­sign­ers.
The book 'Khadi – Tex­tile of India' also shows how the de­sign­ers trans­late con­tent into de­sign. The book records the man­u­fac­tur­ing process from the cot­ton crop to the com­pleted gar­ment in Khadi fab­ric. In order to cap­ture the sen­sual na­ture of the fab­ric in the book, the de­sign­ers chose a coated paper and used a Japan­ese bind­ing. This has pro­duced pages that now slip through the fin­gers like the finest cot­ton, feel­ing soft and smooth – an at­trac­tive de­tail. They em­pha­size the idea of the process by re­peat­edly show­ing two or three pho­tographs of peo­ple at work pro­duced at close time in­ter­vals. One has a sense of see­ing how some­thing comes into being. Prill's and Vieceli's books are vi­sual and tac­tile ex­pe­ri­ences.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Tania Prill
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name

also in

Alberto Vieceli
Born in
Graphic Designer
Group name

also in
