Romain Rousset, Geoffrey Cottenceau


Romain Rousset / Geoffrey Cottenceau

Photo research 'Bernhardo, Montagnhard, Veronique, Veronique aussi'


Jury report

Fashion photography as theatrical presentation
These four pho­tographs look like shots of a play, a con­tem­po­rary pro­duc­tion or like mo­ments from a per­for­mance cap­tured in re­pose. In one pic­ture we see a masked man sit­ting on a horse made up of boxes and chairs and with a red fab­ric thrown over it. The rider is wear­ing a yel­low top with large green ap­pliqué areas, short trousers and dark green knee-length socks. The back­ground is grey-white. In a sec­ond pic­ture we see the masked rider on top of a lit­tle mound of blan­kets. We can even make out dif­fer­ently coloured flow­ers on the tex­tiles. The man is wear­ing read knicker­bock­ers, knee-length dark green socks again and a pink shirt with three white stripes, which like the trousers al­ludes to Ty­rolean na­tional cos­tume. The pic­tures do not pro­vide us with any other con­crete in­for­ma­tion. We can as­sume what their sub­ject mat­ter and pur­pose is, but not cat­e­go­rize them fully. And it is highly prob­a­ble that we would guess wrongly. The fact is that Ro­main Rous­set and Ge­of­frey Cot­tenceau are pre­sent­ing fash­ion by Bern­hard Wil­helm and Veronique Bran­quinho for the Ger­man fanzine 'Mode De­pesche' in these four im­ages. But these works have noth­ing to do with fa­mil­iar fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy, with styled mod­els and glam­our. They are highly orig­i­nal com­po­si­tions, re­fus­ing to be de­fined or cat­e­go­rized. The set­ting is sim­ple, the ob­jects and ac­ces­sories used look fan­ci­ful as if put to­gether from per­sonal pos­ses­sions. In the two other pic­tures the head is com­pletely en­veloped in a great shape grow­ing out of the clothes and mak­ing the per­son dis­ap­pear ex­cept for the hands, which are hang­ing down. They im­i­tate the ef­fect of a mov­ing ob­ject, here the cloth­ing is 'flow­ing' to the right or up­wards.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Romain Rousset
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle


also in

Geoffrey Cottenceau
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle, spécialisation photographie
