Romain Rousset


Romain Rousset

Series of photos for the magazine 'brand eins', series posters for 'Mode Depesche'


Jury report

Successfully disturbed images
How do you pre­sent a col­lec­tion of clothes in such a way that peo­ple look twice at it? By using su­per­mod­els? The graphic artist Ro­main Rous­set, work­ing with Ge­of­frey Cot­tenceau on the photo ses­sion for a Ger­man fash­ion mag­a­zine pre­sent­ing a col­lec­tion by Stephan Schnei­der, shows that it can be done dif­fer­ently. A young man poses in an un­spec­tac­u­lar vest with straps, with an ab­sent look on his face. But the viewer's eye is im­me­di­ately caught by the straps on the vest. This is be­cause they do not fit close to the body, but arch over the model's shoul­ders. Some­what amazed and with our cu­rios­ity aroused by un­set­tling lit­tle fea­tures like these, ac­tual dis­tur­bances to the image, we feel like look­ing again, and are en­chanted. Just as we are with an­other model with his hands on his hips, while at the same time cross­ing his arms be­hind his back.
View­ers very quickly catch on to some­thing that is not quite right in a pic­ture. But pre­cise 'eye-catch­ers' like those used by the Lau­sanne trained pho­tog­ra­pher Ro­main Rous­set cre­ate vi­sual dis­tur­bances by the sim­plest of means, and these def­i­nitely pos­sess nar­ra­tive qual­i­ties. As ob­servers, we like to think out mi­cro-sto­ries about how these im­ages could have come into being. It is par­tic­u­larly strik­ing that the 'how is it done?' el­e­ment of the vi­sual 'de­cep­tion' – achieved for once with­out any dig­i­tal ma­nip­u­la­tion – can be solved very quickly. Even so, or per­haps pre­cisely be­cause of the fact that there is no at­tempt at per­fec­tion, we feel like ex­am­in­ing the image much more closely. It is rare for such min­i­mal­ist means to achieve a max­i­mum ef­fect like this: these pic­tures even gain a few more sec­onds' at­ten­tion from peo­ple who are not ac­tu­ally in­ter­ested in the clothes in the pho­tographs at all.
Peter Stohler


Romain Rousset
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle


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