Erwan Frotin


Erwan Frotin

Photo research 'Menu de Printemps'


Jury report

Sculptural titbits
How to pre­sent choice in­gre­di­ents for a lav­ish meal? The pho­tog­ra­pher Erwan Frotin, who works in Lau­sanne and Paris, was com­mis­sioned by a Lon­don restau­rant to take a se­ries of colour pho­tographs for an ex­clu­sive pub­li­ca­tion. The pho­tog­ra­pher drew his in­spi­ra­tion from the 'Sketch' restau­rant's chef Pierre Gag­naire. Gag­naire is known for his dar­ing com­bi­na­tions of very dif­fer­ent food­stuffs. Erwan Frotin has now made a mas­terly arrange­ment of some­thing highly un­usual in a total of eleven de­li­cious tableaux: he was not in­ter­ested in il­lus­trat­ing a menu di­rectly, but took his lead from the foods and the menu se­quence of clas­si­cal French cui­sine. So we see all sorts of ex­quis­ite tit­bits, as used for hors d'oeu­vres, main course and dessert.
Erwan Frotin's thought-pro­vok­ing and yet very pre­cise arrange­ments are also on show in this work. He has al­ready re­ceived an award for them in the Swiss Na­tional De­sign Com­pe­ti­tion, two years ago. Things that are ac­tu­ally quite fa­mil­iar are pre­sented in an un­usual way: slices of bread are trans­formed into moun­tain ranges that seem to have fungi grow­ing on them. Se­duc­tive, earthy truf­fle tu­bers are pho­tographed with very white eggs, eerily black sea-urchins with a lemon to pro­vide colour con­trast. A dec­o­ra­tively arranged par­tridge seems to be wear­ing a salad dot­ted with yel­low and red in its open wings, cheeses tower up against the laws of grav­ity, the pis­ta­chio ice-cream is made into a dra­matic sum­mit. Frotin shows a sense of re­fined sculp­tural arrange­ments and ap­peal­ing colour-con­trasts, with a slightly sur­real touch, and in such abun­dance that you start ask­ing your­self: isn't this too much? Won't we lose our ap­petite? And these pho­tographs in­evitably con­jure up lav­ish 17 th cen­tury Dutch still lives. Here too abun­dance shifted into su­per-abun­dance, and ex­trav­a­gant en­joy­ment al­ways car­ried a re­minder of the tran­sience of all earthly de­lights.
Peter Stohler


Erwan Frotin
Born in

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