But time is not linear

But time is not linear, it is a marvelous tangle where, at any moment, points can be selected and solutions invented, without no beginning or end.

Architecture and the Book-Space

A slen­der, medium-for­mat artist’s book by the Swiss Émilie Ding of­fers an in­di­rect but en­light­en­ing in­sight into her work. Rather than her ab­stract con­crete sculp­tures or geo­met­ri­cally pat­terned black-and-white paint­ings, Ding here pre­sents black-and-white pho­tos of Bru­tal­ist con­crete ar­chi­tec­ture arranged to fill each page. Be­tween two and four il­lus­tra­tions of vary­ing sizes and for­mats are po­si­tioned on each page to leave nar­row white mar­gins be­tween and around them. Adept for­mal de­ploy­ment of cropped de­tails and al­ter­nat­ing per­spec­tives cre­ates a unique pic­ture space that is some­times rem­i­nis­cent of ab­stract paint­ings and some­times has el­e­ments of the three-di­men­sional and sculp­tural. The work can thus be seen as an agree­ably un­pre­ten­tious artist’s sketch­book. The text is pared down to the es­sen­tials: apart from the un­con­ven­tional five-line title cre­at­ing an aura of mys­tery in the top left-hand cor­ner of the white front cover, the only other text is the colophon on the book’s last page.

Emilie Ding, Berlin
Manuella Denogent, Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain, Genève
Emilie Ding, Berlin; TM - David Mamie, Nicola Todeschini, Genève
Moléson Impressions, Genève
Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain, Atelier Berlin Editions, Genève
210 × 280 mm