Emmanuel Crivelli, Sylvain Menétrey, Philippe Jarrigeon


Emmanuel Crivelli / Sylvain Menétrey / Philippe Jarrigeon

The magazine 'Dorade - Revue galante, photographie et formes critiques'

Design mediation

Jury report

The Magazine as Exhibition Space
The mag­a­zine 'Do­rade - Revue galante, pho­togra­phie et formes cri­tiques' was in­au­gu­rated in 2009 by Syl­vain Menétrey, Em­manuel Criv­elli and Philippe Jar­ri­geon. Thus far, four edi­tions have been pub­lished, the most re­cent of which ap­peared early in 2012. The three ed­i­tors come from dif­fer­ent walks of life: Syl­vain Menétrey, the ed­i­tor-in-chief, is a jour­nal­ist and au­thor; ECAL grad­u­ate Em­manuel Criv­elli is re­spon­si­ble for graph­i­cal pro­duc­tion; and pho­tog­ra­pher Philippe Jar­ri­geon is in charge of artis­tic di­rec­tion.
'Do­rade' is not in­tended to be a mag­a­zine in the clas­si­cal sense - it is in­tended to be a kind of ex­hi­bi­tion space on paper. The ed­i­tors could be de­scribed as cu­ra­tors. They as­sem­ble the con­tent for each edi­tion ac­cord­ing to its over­all theme, and are in­volved in the cre­ative process, pro­duc­tion, is­su­ing com­mis­sions and col­lat­ing the pho­to­graphic pro­jects, doc­u­ments, in­ter­views and lit­er­ary and schol­arly texts.
They chose a mag­a­zine as a ve­hi­cle be­cause it is sim­ple to dis­trib­ute, be­cause the pro­duc­tion costs are low and be­cause it is a phys­i­cal ob­ject that peo­ple can col­lect. How­ever, the ed­i­tors also feel that it is im­por­tant to pro­vide a plat­form for ex­per­i­men­tal pho­tog­ra­phy, rather than the purely com­mer­cial pho­tog­ra­phy usu­ally seen in mag­a­zines. The idea is to pre­sent read­ers with a crit­i­cal look at fash­ion and lux­ury - pic­tures that are com­plex, but also se­duc­tive. Many of the pic­ture spreads - some­times para­dox­i­cal, some­times amus­ing - are cre­ated by Philippe Jar­ri­geon him­self; they are sup­ple­mented by in­di­vid­ual im­ages and pic­ture se­ries by other pho­tog­ra­phers from a va­ri­ety of dif­fer­ent back­grounds.
The text sec­tion is also in­tended to be a lab­o­ra­tory for cre­ativ­ity, in which a num­ber of dif­fer­ent au­thors seek to dis­cover new forms. The texts are based on tra­di­tional tem­plates such as the in­ter­view, but they take them in di­rec­tions that cre­ate a state of ad ab­sur­dum - for in­stance, a dress speaks about the work of the de­signer who cre­ated it, in­stead of the de­signer speak­ing about him­self. The peo­ple be­hind the mag­a­zine feel that it is im­por­tant to cul­ti­vate a crit­i­cal at­ti­tude of mind in their read­ers, so that they do not see the texts as sep­a­rate en­ti­ties or as pure sources of in­for­ma­tion, but as part of an ex­hi­bi­tion.
'Do­rade' is dis­trib­uted across the whole of the West­ern hemi­sphere. The mag­a­zine is avail­able in over 30 shops and cafes in New York alone. It al­lows read­ers, wher­ever they are, to teach them­selves to look crit­i­cally and to em­bark on a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery, in search of pho­to­graphic trea­sures.


Emmanuel Crivelli
Born in
Graphic designer


also in

Philippe Jarrigeon
Born in

Sylvain Menétrey
Born in