Moritz Schmid


Moritz Schmid

Exhibition design for 'Make Up – Designing Surfaces', Museum für Gestaltung Zürich


Jury report

The Talented Mr Schmid
Hav­ing won the Fed­eral Com­pe­ti­tion for De­sign with a fur­ni­ture col­lec­tion last year, Moritz Schmid this year sub­mit­ted an ex­hi­bi­tion ar­chi­tec­ture of his own de­sign and has won a prize again. The ex­hi­bi­tion took place in the Mu­seum of De­sign, Zurich last year and was en­ti­tled 'Make Up – De­sign­ing Sur­faces'.

Moritz Schmid had al­ready been in­volved in the con­cep­tual de­vel­op­ment of the ex­hi­bi­tion. From the vast de­sign col­lec­tion held by the Mu­seum of De­sign, Zurich, about 200 ex­hibits were se­lected and sub­se­quently sub­di­vided into dif­fer­ent main the­matic groups. Apart from in­di­vid­ual ob­jects, the ex­hi­bi­tion con­cept also pro­vided for the pre­sen­ta­tion of tools, posters and videos.

The ob­jec­tive of the de­signer was to cre­ate a stage and en­vi­ron­ment for the ex­hibits using sim­ple means. Hav­ing de­signed all fur­ni­ture and ex­hi­bi­tion el­e­ments him­self, he arranged the ob­jects on pre­sen­ta­tion ta­bles whose white sur­faces with their punched holes were rem­i­nis­cent of hov­er­ing table­cloths. Round mir­rors were sus­pended from the ceil­ing on blue rib­bons, and he used them as a means of struc­tur­ing the room and guid­ing the gaze of vis­i­tors. Among other things, he was in­ter­ested in the fact that the faces of vis­i­tors thereby over­lapped with the ex­hibits and that view­ers were there­fore con­fronted with their own sur­face.

On the side walls of the ex­hi­bi­tion room could be seen what seemed to be greatly en­larged spray-painted out­lines of es­pe­cially well-known or char­ac­ter­is­tic ex­hibits.This dec­o­ra­tive back­ground took up the theme of the ex­hi­bi­tion in a play­ful man­ner and formed the frame around a com­plex prob­lem de­f­i­n­i­tion.The con­di­tions on the first floor of the Mu­seum of De­sign pose a chal­lenge for any scenog­ra­pher. Moritz Schmid has mas­tered this task el­e­gantly and adroitly. With this pro­ject, the de­signer has shown once more that his works al­ways rest on a solid con­cep­tual foun­da­tion. It is a sheer plea­sure to see the great di­ver­sity of the ways in which the de­signer is able to use his tal­ent.
Anna Niederhäuser


Moritz Schmid
Born in
Product designer


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