Zimmermann & de Perrot


Zimmermann & de Perrot: Martin Zimmermann / Dimitri de Perrot

Stage setting for the play 'ÖPER ÖPIS'


Jury report

Dancers and Artistes at Full Tilt
How can we stage our re­la­tion­ships and their in­ter­de­pen­den­cies? Mar­tin Zim­mer­mann, di­rec­tor and chore­o­g­ra­pher, and Dim­itri de Per­rot, mu­si­cian, have been work­ing to­gether as a duo for over 10 years. The award goes to them for their in­no­v­a­tive achieve­ments in the field of set de­sign, but what Zim­mer­mann & de Per­rot cre­ate is more than just a stage set; it is es­sen­tially an­other char­ac­ter in their pro­duc­tions. Tellingly, they de­scribe them­selves as 'in­ven­tors and crafts­men'. De Per­rot is self-taught; Zim­mer­mann stud­ied at the Cen­tre na­tional des arts du cirque in Paris. Ex­cep­tional stage sets and un­usual ti­tles have a tra­di­tion in their work: to wit, the gi­gan­tic record player in 'Gaff Aff' (2006) and the wooden tow­ers in 'Chouf ou­chouf' (2009). A key el­e­ment in 'ÖPER ÖPIS' (2008) was an un­sta­ble plat­form of eight me­tres square, fixed only in the cen­tre. The seven per­form­ers, five dancers and cir­cus artistes and the two di­rec­tors, share the lime­light with an eighth pro­tag­o­nist, the plat­form it­self. When the per­form­ers move about, shift­ing their weight, the en­tire plat­form tilts. The piece is a metaphor for the fragility of human re­la­tion­ships, a kind of con­di­tion hu­maine. The bal­ance that sta­bilises en­coun­ters be­tween peo­ple is com­pro­mised. The floor is lit­er­ally pulled out from under the char­ac­ters' feet. Zim­mer­mann & de Per­rot have an ab­surd sense of hu­mour, which they apply to char­ac­ters that re­ally in­ter­est them. With great vir­tu­os­ity, they suc­cess­fully trans­late cir­cus act­ing, sen­su­al­ity and phys­i­cal­ity into stage pro­duc­tions that sub­vert con­ven­tional con­cepts of art. They have at­tracted in­ter­na­tional at­ten­tion and 'Chouf ou­chouf' has been in­vited to the 2010 The­atre Fes­ti­val in Avi­gnon. In 2009 they won the Swiss Prize for Dance and Chore­og­ra­phy, the 'Pro Tanz' award.
Peter Stohler


Dimitri de Perrot
Born in
Director, composer, musician, stage designer
Group name

Zimmermann & de Perrot

also in

Martin Zimmermann
Born in
Director, choreographer, clown, stage designer
Group name

Zimmermann & de Perrot

also in