Zimmermann & de Perrot


Zimmermann & de Perrot: Martin Zimmermann / Dimitri de Perrot

'Gaff Aff'


Jury report

A Small World
Dim­itri de Per­rot and Mar­tin Zim­mer­mann have been work­ing closely to­gether for over 10 years. Their stage pro­duc­tions are cre­ated through a con­stant and an­i­mated di­a­logue. They cre­ate the stage de­sign to­gether; it forms the core start­ing point for the sub­se­quent cre­ation of the music and chore­og­ra­phy. Dim­itri de Per­rot, mu­si­cian and com­poser, cre­ates the highly rhyth­mic and con­tem­po­rary sound­scape of the shows, and Mar­tin Zim­mer­mann, cir­cus artist, de­vel­ops the chore­og­ra­phy. The stage de­sign acts as the jug­gling ma­te­r­ial they play with.
The cur­rent show 'Gaff Aff' is set on a small stage shaped like an over­sized record player. The char­ac­ter (Mar­tin Zim­mer­mann), look­ing neat in his suit, car­ry­ing his brief­case, mimes the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of mod­ern life. From the back­drop, a pack­ing box with mass con­sump­tion items printed on it, he pulls out all sorts of things: a fold­ing chair with a chair, a lamp and a coat-hanger, cre­at­ing a small, in­ti­mate liv­ing space. That char­ac­ter, mov­ing to the rhythm of the music and then flit­ting be­tween mo­bile phone and tele­vi­sion set seems on the verge of mad­ness one minute and com­pletely calm the next.
The show ex­plores the ques­tion of how im­por­tant pack­ag­ing is in re­la­tion to the con­tent. The way the actor in­ter­acts with the pack­ag­ing ma­te­r­ial is as­tound­ing and per­sua­sive in how it scin­til­lates with cre­ativ­ity. The uni­verse cre­ated with the stage de­sign, the sound, act­ing and light­ing cre­ates a dense, at­mos­pheric, po­etic unity. The skil­ful play with al­lu­sions ques­tions con­tem­po­rary be­hav­iours and ways of life and takes them to the point of ab­sur­dity. The pair are being ho­n­oured for their stage de­sign, their in­ven­tive­ness and their highly in­no­v­a­tive and in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary work­ing meth­ods.
Au­re­lia Müller


Dimitri de Perrot
Born in
Director, composer, musician, stage designer
Group name

Zimmermann & de Perrot

also in

Martin Zimmermann
Born in
Director, choreographer, clown, stage designer
Group name

Zimmermann & de Perrot

also in