Armando Forlin


Armando Forlin

'Antiheroes', a fashion collection with a film and a sketch book

Fashion Design

Jury report

The Earnest Levity of Armando Forlin
Ar­mando For­lin took his first steps to­wards fash­ion de­sign as much out of bore­dom as ne­ces­sity. It is not quite cer­tain why bore­dom set in dur­ing his time at teach­ers col­lege. But the ne­ces­sity arose from his search for ex­actly the kind of win­ter coat he wanted. In the end, For­lin made a virtue of ne­ces­sity and turned his fash­ion ideas into a grad­u­ate piece.

The pro­ject An­ti­heroes-The-Good-And-The-Evil-Women, for which Ar­mando For­lin has won a Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award, is an ex­ten­sion of that grad­u­ate piece. It com­prises de­signs for six types of women: three 'good' and three 'evil'. All of them are un­con­ven­tional and con­tra­dic­tory – an­ti­heroes, in­deed – and all have been al­lo­cated a de­sign and a brief de­scrip­tion stat­ing name, pro­fes­sion and lo­ca­tion, as well as favourite music (e.g. Stock­hausen or Gains­bourg) and a per­sonal motto. Hard Work, Hard Party is the motto of DJane from Berlin, while Bianca Miller from New York has no time for mot­tos. In spite of the some­what clichéd, tongue-in-cheek for­mat, For­lin's brief de­scrip­tions show that he does put some thought into the kind of peo­ple who would wear his clothes.

The tal­ent of this young de­signer is ev­i­dent in many of his pieces as well as in his re­flec­tions on the fe­male body. For in­stance, he em­pha­sises the shoul­ders of a jacket with wavy, lace-lined tucks or places pock­ets on the hips of a dress. Those pock­ets, in­ci­den­tally, also serve as a place for Geral­dine, the li­brary as­sis­tant from Paris, to put her books. In his func­tional, tai­lor-made de­signs, For­lin clev­erly com­bines the per­son­al­ity and lifestyle of the women who wear them.

Ar­mando For­lin plans to study fash­ion at the Antwerp Acad­emy. He is un­likely to suc­cumb to bore­dom there, and will hope­fully re­main just as cre­ative as he is now.
Anna Niederhäuser  


Armando Forlin
Born in