
BIG-GAME: Grégoire Jeanmonod / Augustin Scott de Martinville

'Castor', furniture / 'Pen', Memorystick / 'Scout', watch / 'Cargo', toolbox

Products and objects

Jury report

A Game of Forms
Two ash­wood sup­ports and nine spray-painted alu­minium skids: any am­a­teur d-i-y en­thu­si­ast can eas­ily as­sem­ble the ver­sa­tile, height-ad­justable, width-ad­justable shelv­ing sys­tem. Within min­utes, it is pos­si­ble to cre­ate a sim­ple, ar­che­typal struc­ture with­out a sin­gle screw.

The orig­i­nal idea be­hind the 'FLOORS' mod­u­lar sys­tem was to in­te­grate stan­dard­ised alu­minium pro­files of the kind used in ar­chi­tec­ture to sup­port heavy loads. The U-shaped skids lend the shelv­ing sys­tem enor­mous sta­bil­ity. The form it­self is the re­sult of a long process of trial and error.

This is the sec­ond Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award for the Swiss-French-Bel­gian trio based in Lau­sanne and Brus­sels, who al­ready re­ceived the award in 2006. Grégoire Jean­monod, Au­gustin Scott de Mar­t­inville and Elric Petit have been work­ing to­gether suc­cess­fully since 2004 under the name BIG-GAME. Their client list in­cludes such pres­ti­gious names as 'Vlaem­sch' and 'Ligne Roset'.

BIG-GAME is big on re-in­ter­pret­ing the fa­mil­iar. They jug­gle cre­atively with the vo­cab­u­lary of fa­mil­iar forms, trans­pos­ing them to new ma­te­ri­als and func­tions. Just as they did with their ply­wood take on elk hunt­ing tro­phies in 2006, the three de­sign­ers have now con­jured some­thing en­tirely new out of some­thing ut­terly com­mon­place. 'FLOORS' is based on the kind of shelv­ing we know so well from in­dus­trial, garage or base­ment stor­age areas. The aim of the pro­ject was to cre­ate func­tional stor­age of the same kind, but ex­plic­itly adapted to fit into a liv­ing space (home and of­fice). Once again, BIG-GAME has come up with a stun­ning play on for­mal ty­polo­gies and ref­er­ences. The metal-im­i­tate wooden lathes are re­mark­ably light and re­fresh­ingly colour­ful. 'FLOORS' is still a pro­to­type de­sign – which renowned fur­ni­ture pro­ducer will choose to adopt it re­mains to be seen.
Anna Wacker


Grégoire Jeanmonod
Born in
Industrial Designer
Group name

also in

Elric Petit
Born in
Industrial Designer
Group name

auch im Jahr aussi en anche nel also in

Augustin Scott de Martinville
Geboren Né/Née en Nato/Nata in Born in
Ausbildung Formation Education
Industrial Designer
Gruppenname Collectif Group name

also in
