Kiko Gianocca


Kiko Gianocca

'Things hold together'

Jewellery and Objects

Jury report

Things hold together
'Things hold to­gether' is the name Kiko Gi­anocca has cho­sen for his neck­lace col­lec­tion, all of them cre­ated in 2007. The for­mal lan­guage is clearly de­fined and serves as a link be­tween the in­di­vid­ual works in the se­ries. They're re­duced forms drawn from the veg­etable world and some­times seem al­most amor­phous. Hinted-at cir­cles con­verge, over­lap and are su­per­im­posed to drift apart again. Spheres with hinted-at open­ings, from which the fas­tener snakes out. What is strik­ing is a mir­ror­ing game. The neck­lace be­comes an ob­ject that cre­ates an image of its coun­ter­part. Kiko Gi­anocca is very in­ter­ested in the ques­tion of the di­a­logue be­tween an ob­ject and its ob­server or its wearer, and this runs like a thread through the en­tirety of his work, and is ex­pressed quite re­mark­ably here.
The dif­fer­ent ma­te­ri­als are invit­ing to the touch. Kiko Gi­anocca uses sil­ver, porce­lain, epoxy resin, polyurethane and felt. The felt neck­laces have an inner life that is ac­ces­si­ble only through touch. The core of the spheres form a plas­tic and rub­ber ball, or a mar­ble. This ex­em­pli­fies how im­por­tant hap­tics are as an op­por­tu­nity for in­ter­ac­tion, or dis­course.
Gi­anocca's se­ries cap­ti­vates through its clear stance and for­mal lan­guage and through high-qual­ity work­man­ship and a re­strained po­etry that can be fully un­der­stood at sec­ond sight.
Pa­trizia Criv­elli


Kiko Graziano Gianocca
Born in


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