Tatiana Rihs, Guy Meldem


Tatiana Rihs / Guy Meldem


Graphic Design

Jury report

Systematized illustrations
Ta­tiana Rihs and Guy Mel­dem have de­signed a cor­po­rate image for the lit­tle, al­ter­na­tive cul­ture venue 'Zinéma' in Lau­sanne. They were com­mis­sioned to de­sign a sys­tem for printed mat­ter that could be de­ployed quickly and ef­fec­tively. The two graphic artists sug­gested a large printed sheet the or­ga­niz­ers can use in paper sizes from A6 to A1 by cut­ting it to the re­quired size and print­ing it. The paper is brown, and has beige, light blue and white il­lus­tra­tions de­rived from the ex­ist­ing logo. They are cubes that merge to­gether and trans­form them­selves, thus in­di­cat­ing the va­ri­ety of­fered by the cul­tural in­sti­tu­tion. If the sheets are cut down to the var­i­ous paper sizes, the il­lus­tra­tions al­ways re­main in the mid­dle. The graphic de­sign­ers cre­ate posters, fly­ers and other printed mat­ter against this back­ground. Ac­cord­ing to the event, this can be 400 fly­ers or just a few posters. The new ma­te­r­ial is copied or printed user laser or screen print­ing if the event is more im­por­tant. This means the or­ga­niz­ers can work rapidly and at a rea­son­able price, and apart from the orig­i­nal in­vest­ment in 3000 sheets of A1 paper their ex­penses are kept within rea­son­able lim­its. The de­sign can re­late to the back­ground in such a way as to cre­ate a di­a­logue be­tween back­ground and event in­for­ma­tion. Thus for ex­am­ple a printed speech bub­ble at­tached to a fig­ure in the back­ground an­nounces an event, or a cube that is open­ing up is printed on an­other closed cube in the back­ground. But a de­sign can also be printed on all the parts of the sheet, thus cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions on the same event flyer thanks to the var­ied back­ground. In terms of con­tent, the graphic de­signer base the motif ei­ther on the event or on a logo or on both. Ta­tiana Rihs's and Guy Mel­dem's de­sign is il­lus­tra­tive and di­rect. This makes the cor­po­rate image look lively and im­me­di­ately rec­og­niz­able, de­spite the va­ri­ety. The de­sign fits in with the place and the scene.
Ar­i­ana Pradal


Tatiana Rihs
Born in
Postgrade en communication visuelle
designer HES, communication visuelle
premier certificat philosophie et histoire du cinéma, diplôme de sociologie

also in

Guy Meldem
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle, spécialisation design graphique
Group name
Körner Union

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