Aurèle Sack


Aurèle Sack

Fonts 'Purple Regular', 'Purple Italic', 'Omega Bold', 'Gallery Regular'

Graphic Design

Jury report

Elegance and coarse details
In the de­vel­op­ment and de­sign of new type­faces, Lau­sanne de­signer Aurèle Sack uses re­design, a strat­egy he suc­cess­fully demon­strates on var­i­ous type­faces. 'AS Pur­ple Reg­u­lar' is a type­face that at first sight looks like a 19th-cen­tury 'An­ti­qua'. The ECAL-trained de­signer has de­vel­oped this type­face fur­ther. The pre­sen­ta­tion in book form with a sin­gle let­ter per page al­lows one to look at the de­tails with­out the need to use a mag­ni­fy­ing glass. In the re­design of the 'An­ti­qua' Aurèle Sack in­ten­tion­ally plays with what used to be con­sid­ered de­fi­cien­cies in hot-type print­ing. Yes, he even in­ten­si­fied spe­cific el­e­ments of dis­tur­bance, for ex­am­ple the un­usu­ally raw-seem­ing con­nec­tion be­tween the shafts and the ser­ifs. Let's hope the type­face along with its italic sis­ter 'AS Pur­ple Italic' is soon avail­able on the mar­ket. So far it has only been used for the mono­graph of artist Andro Wekua which has been pro­duced by the 'Norm' of­fice in Zurich. For 'Norm', Aurèle Sack has also de­vel­oped two other type­faces fur­ther, for ex­am­ple an ex­ist­ing 'Fu­tura'-type­face into a 'Cor­po­rate Type­face Omega' for the epony­mous firm. He cre­ated 'Gallery Reg­u­lar' for a gallery in Vi­enna in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the 'Norm' of­fice. He de­vel­oped this type­face from the type­face 'Normet­ica' de­vel­oped by 'Norm'. Aurèle Sack be­longs to a younger gen­er­a­tion of de­sign­ers who bring new life and fresh type­faces to the field of ty­pog­ra­phy. He is aware of the fact that in this field in­no­va­tion is very dif­fi­cult but fol­lows the credo that one has to adapt to the times. So far Aurèle Sack has only worked dig­i­tally. How­ever, his re­design­ing work goes be­yond the per­fec­tion that can be achieved by com­puter and fo­cuses on im­per­fec­tion and un­wieldy things that char­ac­terise the type­faces and make them unique. In his re­designs Aurèle Sack com­bines coarse de­tails with el­e­gance and cre­ates type­faces that prove to be of value not only on paper but also on the screen.
Peter Stohler


Aurèle Sack
Born in
Graphic Designer


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