Aurèle Sack


Aurèle Sack

'LL Grey', Fonts

Graphic Design

Jury report

3 styles, 4 weights, 24 cuts
The work by Lau­sanne-based graphic de­signer Aurèle Sack that wins him this year’s Swiss De­sign Award con­sists of a newly cre­ated font that will be avail­able from the end of 2014. LL Ma­genta is a sans-serif font whose pro­por­tions are slightly nar­rower than those of reg­u­lar fonts. This in­no­va­tion makes it ap­pear lighter and less squat, but also re­calls the fa­mil­iar Hel­vetica Reg­u­lar.
Aurèle Sack, who has spe­cialised in de­sign­ing fonts and ed­i­to­ri­als since grad­u­at­ing from ECAL, the Uni­ver­sity of Art and De­sign in Lau­sanne, wins the Swiss De­sign Award for the third time this year, after pre­vi­ous suc­cesses in 2006 and 2010.
The foun­da­tions of the LL Ma­genta font were laid back in 2004, when he was work­ing on his diploma. Some years later, fol­low­ing ini­tial ex­per­i­ments for fur­ther pro­jects, Aurèle Sack re­turned to the de­sign of the font. He re­worked it in 2011, slightly al­ter­ing the spac­ing of the let­ters and try­ing to in­cor­po­rate el­e­ments of play into the type­face.
The re­sult is a font in four ver­sions fea­tur­ing let­ters of dif­fer­ing width. It is this vari­a­tion in the graphic de­sign that gives the font its play­ful ap­pear­ance. LL Ma­genta is a pre­cise font that stands out with­out being ob­tru­sive.
Mar­tina Longo


Aurèle Sack
Born in
Graphic Designer


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