Rafael Koch


Rafael Koch

Small printed matter

Graphic Design

Jury report

Circuit board and Stoky construction kit
How can New Media be ad­ver­tised? The Lucerne de­signer Rafael Koch an­swers this ques­tion with the highly in­di­vid­ual graph­ics he has re­al­ized for clients in the world of New Media. But what does his printed ma­te­r­ial look like, aimed at a spe­cial­ist (and pre­sum­ably very young) au­di­ence that is in­ter­ested in New Media and prob­a­bly gets most of its in­for­ma­tion via the dig­i­tal media? The New Media course at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Zürich (HGKZ) pro­motes it­self with a leaflet that is more con­fus­ing than in­for­ma­tive at a first glance. A wel­ter of punched-out white dots can be seen against an olive-green back­ground, as though you are look­ing at a cir­cuit board in a com­puter. But there is a sys­tem be­hind all this con­fu­sion: the eye soon makes it out, as it can soon con­vert all the dots back into writ­ing. So any­one who is being ad­dressed by this graphic work should not be afraid of ex­cess. Rafael Koch skill­fully trans­lated dig­i­tal phe­nom­ena into ana­logue im­ages for the HGKZ from 2003 to 2005. He has suc­cess­fully used key­board sym­bols as well as the cir­cuit board, or Stoky metal con­struc­tion com­po­nents, which were adroitly trans­lated into an al­pha­bet.
Rafael Koch has also de­signed printed mat­ter for the Basel New Media cen­tre [Plug.​in], and this too has a high level of in­de­pen­dent iden­tity. All Koch's fly­ers share the 'all over' tech­nique, which does not leave a sin­gle square cen­time­tre un­used. A metaphor for the fear of empti­ness in today's media age? Koch's sen­sual analo­gies for dig­i­tal mat­ter are con­vinc­ing, and prove that for once el­e­gant re­duc­tion can be re­placed with play­ful over-stim­u­la­tion. Ex­cess, not im­ply­ing vi­sual chaos, but ef­fi­ciently di­rected at a tightly fo­cused au­di­ence who know how to han­dle this vi­sual lan­guage.
Peter Stohler


Rafael Koch
Born in


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