Mathias Durisch, Moritz Schlatter


Mathias Durisch / Moritz Schlatter

Avalanche rescue rucksack 'Bobsbag I', buoyancy bag,'Bobsbag II'

Product and Industrial Design

Jury report

Buoyancy for water-rats
What is there to hold on to when you are being swept along in tur­bu­lent water? A buoy­ancy bag. The two Zurich de­sign­ers Math­ias Durisch and Moritz Schlat­ter are re­spond­ing to the trend to­wards ever more ex­treme sports by try­ing to make them much safer. Let­ting your­self be swep down a tor­rent is prob­a­bly only for the com­pletely fear­less. But there is a suit­able buoy­ancy bag called 'Bob­s­bag II', though it ex­ists only as a pro­to­type. Until you get to the river, you carry this spe­cial item of equip­ment on your back quite con­ven­tion­ally. But the gill like, ex­pand­ing slits at the side show that part of it is prob­a­bly a very spe­cial am­phibi­ous sec­tion that is not afraid of the water. Once you get to the water you can stow your per­sonal equip­ment away in the sack, fas­ten the wa­ter­proof zip and blow the bag up with a built-in pump. This gives the item of sports equip­ment the best pos­si­ble buoy­ancy qual­i­ties.
An­other piece of sport­ing equip­ment is in­tended to pro­vide emer­gency buoy­ancy as well. The in­no­v­a­tive 'Bob­s­bag I' avalanche res­cue ruck­sack is de­signed for snow­board­ers and tour­ing skiers. If any­one gets into deep snow in an avalanche must get on top, as oth­er­wise they could suf­fo­cate. If the wearer is swept into amov­ing avalanche, they re­lease airbags with a rip­cord that give the nec­es­sary buoy­ancy to avoid being buried, or at least com­pletely buried, in the snow. At the same time, a neck col­lar is in­flated to pro­tect this very sen­si­tive area. This in­no­v­a­tive trans­fer of airbag tech­nol­ogy from cars to sport must have a fu­ture. This pair of ruck­sack prod­ucts by the two de­sign­ers trained at the Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Zürich could make a major con­tri­bu­tion to greater safety in ex­treme sports. The sports equip­ment, if pro­duced in se­ries, could per­haps even set stan­dards for ex­treme but also safe lifestyle­sports items.
Peter Stohler


Mathias Durisch
Born in
Industrial Designer FH

Moritz Schlatter
Born in
Industrial Designer


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