Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Briefe 1905 – 1942
Three white volumes with half-linen covers in various colours containing almost 500 letters from Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889–1943) add up to an impressively rich assembly of materials attesting to the dedication of everyone involved. Not one of the almost 2,000 pages appears superfluous, because the multifaceted voice of this biographically under-researched artist merits an audience; because it is illuminated by precise explanations from the team of editors; and because the restrained design presents everything with equal care. Individual photos from Taeuber-Arp’s life are inserted between letters accompanied by an extensive commentary, while at the end of each volume is an essay by one of the editors, with references. Although the sections are designed in a systematic and very controlled way, monotony is skilfully avoided. The design does not specifically engage with the content, nor does it offer interpretations; instead it creates structures that make the research-heavy material accessible. The idea of the heavy tome is hardly state of the art, but Taeuber-Arp surely deserves a presentation of this kind, just as much as her many colleagues who have long since been similarly honoured.