Vierzig Jahre Gegenwart. Die Galerie Wilma Lock in St. Gallen
Chronology as Design Order
This volume marking 40 years of Wilma Lock’s gallery employs an efficient system of organisation and design. An interview with the gallery owner in the typeface Media77 is followed by four pages containing a chronological list of all the exhibitions, mostly on one line, in relatively bold Unica77. The same listing in an identical composition reappears sporadically over the 150 pages that follow, but this time the lines act as cross-headings. In between are short newspaper texts (again in Media77) and / or documentary photos. The texts are arranged one below another in a single column, but the images vary in number, size and positioning in accordance with a pared-down system. Thus while the rhythm changes, everything remains extremely controlled. The lithography and printing are of superior quality. The two fonts of Team77 recall the year of the gallery’s foundation and underscore typographically the claim of 40 years of enduring relevance formulated in the title.