Vierzig Jahre Gegenwart

Vierzig Jahre Gegenwart. Die Galerie Wilma Lock in St. Gallen

Chronology as Design Order

This vol­ume mark­ing 40 years of Wilma Lock’s gallery em­ploys an ef­fi­cient sys­tem of or­gan­i­sa­tion and de­sign. An in­ter­view with the gallery owner in the type­face Me­di­a77 is fol­lowed by four pages con­tain­ing a chrono­log­i­cal list of all the ex­hi­bi­tions, mostly on one line, in rel­a­tively bold Uni­ca77. The same list­ing in an iden­ti­cal com­po­si­tion reap­pears spo­rad­i­cally over the 150 pages that fol­low, but this time the lines act as cross-head­ings. In be­tween are short news­pa­per texts (again in Me­di­a77) and / or doc­u­men­tary pho­tos. The texts are arranged one below an­other in a sin­gle col­umn, but the im­ages vary in num­ber, size and po­si­tion­ing in ac­cor­dance with a pared-down sys­tem. Thus while the rhythm changes, every­thing re­mains ex­tremely con­trolled. The lithog­raphy and print­ing are of su­pe­rior qual­ity. The two fonts of Team77 re­call the year of the gallery’s foun­da­tion and un­der­score ty­po­graph­i­cally the claim of 40 years of en­dur­ing rel­e­vance for­mu­lated in the title.

Bernhard Mendes Bürgi, Claudia Jolles, Gerhard Mack, Zürich; Roland Wäspe, St. Gallen
Gerhard Mack, Zürich
Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, Larissa Kasper, St. Gallen
DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg
Scheidegger & Spiess, Zürich
230 × 290 mm