documenta 14: Daybook

documenta 14: Daybook

Adding Complexity for Art Lovers

The ex­hi­bi­tion guide to doc­u­menta 14 em­ploys a dual chronol­ogy that im­bues the ‘here and now’ of con­tem­plat­ing art with greater com­plex­ity. First, the du­ra­tion of the ex­hi­bi­tion is mir­rored in the time taken to read the book, with the days of doc­u­menta 14 re­plac­ing the page num­bers. They are placed at the top edge of each right-hand page in a cal­en­dar lay­out, so that the num­ber of dou­ble pages in the book matches the num­ber of days the show ran. Sec­ond, all the artists in­volved – each of whom is in­tro­duced with a pic­ture and text on a dou­ble page – were asked to name a date from his­tory that is im­por­tant to their work. Those dates are each dis­played in an iden­ti­cal black rec­tan­gle at the bot­tom left of a dou­ble page, with a small pic­ture and a brief explana­tory text. They are arranged in re­verse chrono­log­i­cal order and so dic­tate the order in which the artists ap­pear in the book. The highly con­cep­tual de­sign adds value to the ex­hi­bi­tion and at the same time cre­ates a dis­tinct at­mos­phere. An in­tro­duc­tion headed ‘Dear Reader’ elu­ci­dates the de­sign con­cept and guides the reader into the book.

Quinn Latimer, Adam Szymczyk, Athen und Kassel
Julia Born & Laurenz Brunner, Zürich
DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg
Prestel Verlag in der Verlagsgruppe Random
978-3-7913-5654-9 (Deutsche Ausgabe)
978-3-7913-5655-6 (Englische Ausgabe)
978-3-7913-5683-9 (Griechische Ausgabe)

200 × 290 mm