American Readers at Home
Gathering and Transmitting Information
A large volume of reportage presenting photographs of a trip to America alongside interviews with newspaper readers conveys a greatly expanded conception of graphic design as information transmission. The designer is responsible for every level of information in the book, from the interviews and photographs to the typeface and layouts. The material was gathered on a trip undertaken during the presidential election campaign in autumn 2016, and the book is divided into around 20 chapters on individual cities. Each contains large colour photos of the city as well as interviews with people who live there discussing the newspapers they read and their perception of the media landscape. The five-column text is interspersed with large black-and-white portrait photographs of the interviewees in variable heights spread across a number of columns to leave white spaces. Parts of the material were previously available online, but here the book design emphasises the linearity and prescribed viewpoint of the print medium. The folded dust jacket in newspaper format, the very thin paper and the small serif font transpose features of the newspaper medium into the book. reprennent les caractéristiques formelles du support journal.