American Readers at Home

American Readers at Home

Gathering and Transmitting Information

A large vol­ume of re­portage pre­sent­ing pho­tographs of a trip to Amer­ica along­side in­ter­views with news­pa­per read­ers con­veys a greatly ex­panded con­cep­tion of graphic de­sign as in­for­ma­tion trans­mis­sion. The de­signer is re­spon­si­ble for every level of in­for­ma­tion in the book, from the in­ter­views and pho­tographs to the type­face and lay­outs. The ma­te­r­ial was gath­ered on a trip un­der­taken dur­ing the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion cam­paign in au­tumn 2016, and the book is di­vided into around 20 chap­ters on in­di­vid­ual cities. Each con­tains large colour pho­tos of the city as well as in­ter­views with peo­ple who live there dis­cussing the news­pa­pers they read and their per­cep­tion of the media land­scape. The five-col­umn text is in­ter­spersed with large black-and-white por­trait pho­tographs of the in­ter­vie­wees in vari­able heights spread across a num­ber of columns to leave white spaces. Parts of the ma­te­r­ial were pre­vi­ously avail­able on­line, but here the book de­sign em­pha­sises the lin­ear­ity and pre­scribed view­point of the print medium. The folded dust jacket in news­pa­per for­mat, the very thin paper and the small serif font trans­pose fea­tures of the news­pa­per medium into the book. repren­nent les car­actéris­tiques formelles du sup­port jour­nal.

Ludovic Balland, Basel
Ludovic Balland, Basel, Co-Editors: Benjamin Olschner, New York, Jonathan Blower, London
Ludovic Balland & Rahel Oberhummer, Typography Cabinet, Basel
DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH, Altenburg
Scheidegger & Spiess, Zürich
240 × 330 mm