Prisca Wirz-Costantini

Prisca Wirz-Costantini

Prisca Wirz-Costantini

Member of the jury since 2019

Prisca Wirz Costantini has been a bookseller since 1989, just like her mother. She completed her vocational training in Zurich and began working at the age of 17, first at the historical bookstore Melisa in Lugano and since 2002 at the bookstore Segnalibro, which she founded together with other partners. Prisca Wirz Costantini lives in Lugano. She is a member of the management of the Associazione Librai e Editori della Svizzera Italiana (Alesi), co-founder and member of the programme commission of the Casa della Letteratura per la Svizzera italiana and member of the commission of the Schweizer Bücherbon cooperative (since 2001 association). Prisca Wirz Costantini is Italian-speaking and fluent in French, German and Swiss German.