About the year 2016

About the year 2016

Swiss Design Awards' exhibition

Swiss Design Awards 2016 in Basel
The Fed­eral De­sign Com­mis­sion is happy to pre­sent the 13 win­ners of the 2016 Swiss De­sign Com­pe­ti­tion in Basel, in the con­text of De­sign Miami/Basel and Art Basel. Ex­cep­tional fi­nan­cial re­quire­ments have led to the re-duc-tion of the num­ber of prizes this year, mak­ing the jury‘s task more com­plex as the qual­ity of the pro­jects and the di­ver­sity of re­search pre­sented at the com­pe­ti­tion cer­tainly re­quired more awards! One should un­der­line the ex­cel­lent level of the se­lected pro­jects and how dif­fi­cult it is to choose one pro­posal at the ex­pense of an­other within the di­ver­sity of fields that make up Switzer­land’s de­sign world nowa­days. The awarded works are dis­tin­guished by their pre­ci­sion and in­ven­tive­ness, the pro­fes­sional and con­tex­tual com­pe­tences, as well as the prac­tices’ dy­namism that dis­places the cur­sor of our ex­pec­ta­tions. One should no­tice the strong pres­ence of pho­tog­ra­phy within the 2016 se­lec­tion along with supreme cre­ative dis­ci­plines such as graphic de­sign, prod­uct de­sign and, since sev­eral years, fash­ion. The ex­hi­bi­tion and its ac­com­pa­ny­ing pub­li­ca­tion are an im­por­tant plat­form for nu­mer­ous young tal­ents who found here an ini­tial form of dif­fu­sion of their prac­tice; the prizes re­ward those who, after the jury process, have in­ter­ested, de­lighted or dis­turbed a group of ex­perts. Now, at the first pub­lic view­ing of the show, it‘s time for vis­i­tors to ex­tend this dis­cov­ery and share it with their own net­works.

Li­onel Bovier, Chair of the Fed­eral De­sign Com­mis­sion


Or­gan­ised an­nu­ally by the FOC since 1918, Switzer­land's lead­ing na­tional de­sign com­pe­ti­tion aims to cre­ate plat­forms that help the com­pe­ti­tion win­ners ad­vance their ca­reers and pre­sent their work to a wider au­di­ence.

The prize money for the Swiss De­sign Award is a mon­e­tary sum of 25,000 Swiss francs. By rec­om­men­da­tion of the Fed­eral De­sign Com­mis­sion, this year 13 de­sign­ers were ho­n­oured in the cat­e­gories of pho­tog­ra­phy (4), graphic de­sign (3), fash­ion and tex­tile de­sign (3), prod­ucts and ob­jects (2) and scenog­ra­phy (1).


Bovier Lionel
Directeur mamco, Genève

Benner Laurent
Visueller Gestalter, London

Cavadini Ossanna Nicoletta, Chiasso
Direttrice m.a.x.museo

Hefti Christoph
Textildesigner, Brüssel

Lehmann Aude
Graphiste, Zurich

Menzi Renate
Leiterin Designsammlung Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Wegener Heidi
Organisationsberaterin, Meilen

Ince Catherine
Senior Curator, Design, Architecture and Digital Department
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Franck, Tatyana
Directrice Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne