Yann Mathys


Yann Mathys

'Reverso', separation system, diploma work

Products and objects

Jury report

A light, airy, mo­bile wall whose sur­face struc­ture can be changed at any time: that’s the idea be­hind the ‘Re­verso’ sep­a­ra­tion sys­tem, which wins Yann Mathys his first Swiss De­sign Award and also marks his grad­u­a­tion from ECAL, the Uni­ver­sity of Art and De­sign in Lau­sanne.
‘Re­verso’ is the prod­uct of a se­ries of ex­per­i­men­tal re­search works using paper, a ma­te­r­ial that began to fas­ci­nate the young in­dus­trial de­signer dur­ing his stud­ies. The small scales that make up the room di­vider con­sist of a ma­te­r­ial that is like paper, but much more sta­ble: Tyvek, an ex­tremely hard-wear­ing and mould­able non-wo­ven fab­ric that is often used as pack­ag­ing or for pro­tec­tive cloth­ing. In ‘Re­verso’ it is re­pur­posed as an as­sem­bly of small in­di­vid­ual parts that can be ma­nip­u­lated as de­sired.
The po­si­tions of the in­di­vid­ual scales can be changed by hand or using a spe­cially made squeegee. This en­ables the user to ‘draw’ a pat­tern, de­sign or motif of their choice on the di­vider, de­pend­ing on the sit­u­a­tion, space or in­ci­dent light.
Mar­tina Longo


Yann Mathys
Born in
Product designer


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