Sandro Marzo


Sandro Marzo

Fashion collection, spring/summer 2014

Fashion and Textile Design

Jury report

Flickering in black and white
After study­ing at the Acad­emy of Art and De­sign in Basel, San­dro Marzo set up his own label in 2011 with the gen­er­ous sup­port of fam­ily and friends. It achieved its first suc­cesses with ap­pear­ances at Mode Su­isse and the award of the De­sign Prize Switzer­land in the ‘Best New­comer’ cat­e­gory. This year, the Fed­eral De­sign Jury pre­sents the fash­ion de­signer with his first Swiss De­sign Award.
The col­lec­tion sub­mit­ted fea­tures strik­ingly clear cuts and the use of tra­di­tional ma­te­ri­als, mak­ing for a novel vi­sual and tac­tile ex­pe­ri­ence in men’s fash­ion. San­dro Marzo uses a com­bi­na­tion of nat­ural ma­te­ri­als in­clud­ing fine leather, coarse piqué, felt, linen, wool, cash­mere, porce­lain and horn. The lan­guage of form and ma­te­r­ial is redo­lent of the rough, bar­ren, rural south Ital­ian land­scape where Marzo’s fam­ily has its roots. He em­ploys clear, stan­dard­ised cuts that draw in­spi­ra­tion from litur­gi­cal vest­ments, monks’ habits, priests’ robes and mil­i­tary uni­forms. Equally clear is the col­lec­tion’s palette, in which muted colours such as grey, white, black, beige and dark green pre­dom­i­nate.
An im­por­tant el­e­ment of the col­lec­tion is its pro­duc­tion: it is made in small fam­ily en­ter­prises in Italy, Spain and Ser­bia. San­dro Marzo de­lib­er­ately es­chews cheaper meth­ods of pro­duc­tion, plac­ing his trust in­stead in small and mod­est yet high-qual­ity pro­duc­tion and craft busi­nesses.
San­dro Marzo is a young, up-and-com­ing fash­ion de­signer who, with his label, makes con­scious de­ci­sions, takes bold risks and gen­uinely em­bod­ies his own fash­ion. He does not cre­ate any­thing that he would not wear him­self.
Mar­tina Longo


Sandro Marzo
Born in
Fashion designer


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