Ronny Hunger


Ronny Hunger

A series of typographical posters and flyers for a variety of cultural institutions and events

Graphic Design

Jury report

Layering music on paper
Ronny Hunger wins a Swiss De­sign Award with his label ‘Comet Sub­stance’. Each of the three poster pro­jects pre­sented in the com­pe­ti­tion has to do with music, his great pas­sion. In their fig­u­ra­tive di­men­sion, his posters layer and su­per­im­pose pic­tures, out­lines, forms and colours sug­ges­tive of music that he in­ge­niously trans­fers to paper. Often he in­ter­venes di­rectly in the print­ing process: match­ing, cor­rect­ing and chang­ing. For him the two processes – de­sign and print­ing – are closely in­ter­twined.
Record Store is an ex­hi­bi­tion pro­ject that, as it moves from place to place, cre­ates ac­cess to new, up-and-com­ing yet still largely un­known mu­si­cians and is con­ceived as a mix­ture of shop, art in­stal­la­tion and meet­ing place for music lovers. Each pre­sents 200 ‘records’ with sleeves in­di­vid­u­ally de­signed by Ronny Hunger; vis­i­tors first choose their sleeve and can then lis­ten to the music that goes with it via the in­ter­net. Record Store there­fore com­bines the ‘old school’ music shop with the new chan­nels of music dis­tri­b­u­tion.
Elmo Delmo is a music venue in Zurich that hosts con­certs of all kinds. The posters ad­ver­tis­ing them have their own unique and un­con­ven­tional aes­thetic, far re­moved from the pol­ished at­mos­phere of fash­ion­able clubs. They are cre­ated using a pho­to­copier: the ty­pog­ra­phy, il­lus­tra­tions and pat­terns are put to­gether by hand and screen-printed. Each poster con­tains a brief ref­er­ence to the next in the se­ries.
Palace, a for­mer cin­ema in St. Gallen that is now a con­cert venue, stages a wide-rang­ing pro­gramme of events aimed at a va­ri­ety of au­di­ences. Here, the ad­ver­tis­ing posters must each work in­di­vid­u­ally while at the same time giv­ing the venue a recog­nis­able iden­tity. Hunger achieves this through a sur­re­al­is­tic use of metaphor, with each poster ex­ploit­ing the in­ter­play of ty­pog­ra­phy, col­lages, pat­terns and or­na­ments. The posters, which are avail­able for sale, are screen-printed in print runs of 80 using the four-colour CMYK process: an un­usual tech­nique for screen print­ing that is tes­ta­ment to Hunger’s love of ex­per­i­ment.
Pa­trizia Criv­elli


Ronny Hunger
Born in
Graphic Designer


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