Stéphanie Baechler


Stéphanie Baechler

'Lodonite', Fashion colelction

Fashion and Textile Design

Jurybericht - Rapport du jury - Rapporto della giuria - Jury report

Mixing glazes
Stéphanie Baech­ler re­ceives the Swiss De­sign Award for the third time, this year for her diploma col­lec­tion ‘Lodonite', with which she com­pleted her Mas­ter's in Fash­ion De­sign at the In­sti­tute of the Arts in Arn­hem, Nether­lands.
The tex­tile de­signer has en­joyed an im­pres­sive ca­reer since gain­ing her bach­e­lor de­gree in tex­tile de­sign from the Lucerne Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences and Arts in 2008. Hav­ing ini­tially em­pha­sised the elab­o­ra­tion of fine de­tails and en­gage­ment with the vary­ing tex­tures of the fab­rics, today her col­lec­tion fo­cuses more on drap­ing var­i­ous struc­tures and on clear-cut lines. Baech­ler still finds the ideas for her de­signs in na­ture: in the var­i­ous forms of rocks, the bril­liance of pre­cious stones, quartz, glass and metal; yet she is also in­ter­ested in syn­thetic ma­te­ri­als such as foam, rub­ber and plas­tic.
The im­pe­tus for her diploma pro­ject ‘Lodonite' also came from what Baech­ler sees im­me­di­ately around her in her every­day life. While mix­ing glazes for her ce­ram­ics, she hit upon the idea of coat­ing the fab­ric of her cre­ations with a trans­par­ent, glossy layer. After ex­ten­sive re­search, she de­cided to base her col­lec­tion on loden, a durable woollen fab­ric whose rigid­ity and colour are rem­i­nis­cent of rock, mar­ble or con­crete.
The re­sult is a col­lec­tion whose colour palette and fab­ric struc­ture draws heav­ily on nat­ural ma­te­ri­als. The over­lay­ing of the var­i­ous fab­rics and sur­faces ren­ders the clothes very rigid. Yet at the same time the col­lec­tion is char­ac­terised by el­e­gance and flu­id­ity in the close-fit­ting gar­ments. This ten­sion be­tween the flow­ing move­ments of the cuts and the rigid­ity of the ma­te­r­ial re­calls the el­e­gance of stat­ues. The ef­fect is en­hanced by the method of pre­sen­ta­tion: at the end of the shows the mod­els stand mo­tion­less on mar­ble-like pedestals.
Mar­tina Longo


Stéphanie Baechler
Born in
Fashion Designer


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