Thai Hua


Thai Hua

Lamps, stool and side tables

Products and objects

Jury report

And then there was Lumia
Thai Hua says that what in­spires and pre­oc­cu­pies him is above all every­day life, with all its ac­com­pa­ny­ing items and ob­jects. Most of all, it is the con­cep­tual and po­etic as­pect of work­ing in de­sign that at­tracts him, be­cause it often per­mits a per­sonal ap­proach. Until re­cently, he worked for de­sign agen­cies as an in­dus­trial de­signer, work­ing on his own pro­jects in his own stu­dio in his spare time. This al­lowed him to focus on the de­signs them­selves and for­get about any fi­nan­cial is­sues, thus he could sim­ply take plea­sure in his own work.
A year ago, Thai Hua made the dar­ing de­ci­sion to set up his own firm, and won the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award 2012 with one of his first de­signs. The de­sign, en­ti­tled 'Lumia', con­sists of a num­ber of ceil­ing and stan­dard lamps. The fine-tun­ing of the idea with the aid of a com­puter was fol­lowed by what, for Thai Hua, is the most ex­cit­ing phase of the pro­ject: the con­ver­sion of the 2D plans into to-scale paper mod­els, a process which the de­signer in­vari­ably finds in­spir­ing and en­light­en­ing. Fur­ther ex­per­i­ments in­di­cated that the lamp­shades should be made out of sin­gle wall card­board: a ma­te­r­ial that per­mits a light, self-sup­port­ing struc­ture whilst si­mul­ta­ne­ously per­mit­ting a gen­tle, muted dif­fu­sion of the light. 'Lumia' unites op­ti­mal light­ing qual­i­ties with the po­etry of paper lanterns. In this de­sign, Thai Hua makes it pos­si­ble for us to bring a world of child­hood mem­o­ries and at­mos­pheric light into our own homes.


Thai Hua
Born in
Industrial Designer


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