Ludovic Balland


Ludovic Balland

'Warszawa w budowie' (Warsaw under construction)

Graphic Design

Jury report

The Unique Craftsman
Lu­dovic Bal­land was awarded the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award for his im­ple­men­ta­tion of a vi­sual com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­cept for the art fes­ti­val held an­nu­ally by the Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art in War­saw in 2009 and 2011. A va­ri­ety of ex­hi­bi­tions, lec­tures and per­for­mances took place under the over­all title of 'Warszawa w bu­dowie' (War­saw under Con­struc­tion) - a ref­er­ence to trans­for­ma­tions in War­saw's pub­lic areas. His com­mu­ni­ca­tion strat­egy made use of a num­ber of media: in­serts, posters, bill­boards, fly­ers and the pro­gramme.
Bal­land's in­spi­ra­tion and key theme was that of change. The mu­seum build­ing is still under con­struc­tion, whilst the city it­self is ex­pe­ri­enc­ing a major up­heaval. The in­ten­tion was to make these two dy­nam­ics ap­par­ent as part of the vi­sual pro­file and to re­in­force the vi­sual iden­tity of the mu­seum within the city, as well as telling a story about the sit­u­a­tion.
To bring to­gether the mu­seum, the city and the fes­ti­val, Bal­land de­cided to use a char­ac­ter­is­tic type­face based on the script used all over War­saw for sig­nage and traf­fic sig­nals. The fes­ti­vals of 2009 and 2011 re­tained their own dis­tinct pro­files.
Bal­land in­cor­po­rated the planned new Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art build­ing by the ar­chi­tect Chris­t­ian Kerez into his graphic de­sign for his first im­ple­men­ta­tion for the con­cept. By pro­ject­ing views of in­te­rior spaces (in the case of the low­er­case let­ter­ing) and façades (in the case of the up­per­case let­ter­ing) onto the let­ters, he turns them into wit­nesses to his­tory. At the same time, his dy­namic im­ple­men­ta­tion brings to­gether two lan­guages - Pol­ish and Eng­lish - in a way that is ef­fec­tive in terms of de­sign and con­text.In his sec­ond de­sign, an ar­chi­tec­tonic per­spec­tive was added to the script. The cor­ner el­e­ment pro­vides a back­ground for all the let­ter­ing and makes the script highly rec­og­niz­able, thus en­sur­ing that even in the news­pa­per in­serts it stands out from the crowd.
Lu­dovic Bal­land has once more proved the qual­ity of his work. With great sen­si­tiv­ity, he thor­oughly thinks through the pro­ject en­trusted to him, de­vel­ops a com­pelling con­cept and im­ple­ments it adeptly and with at­ten­tion to de­tail.  


Ludovic Balland
Born in
Graphic designer


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