Jeremy Schorderet


Jeremy Schorderet

'all the best': an interface web-module, a book and a serial of posters (diploma work)

Graphic Design

Jury report

Man and Machine
How can one out­smart the ma­chine in­tel­li­gence of the com­puter? Je­remy Schorderet, graphic de­signer from Lau­sanne, makes an idio­syn­cratic pro­posal by pro­vid­ing a web in­ter­face he calls 'The let­ter'. At www.​theletter.​ch, there is a field each for a text mes­sage, a sig­na­ture and an e-mail ad­dress. The mes­sage is con­verted into an image that be e-mailed. The let­ters are dis­torted and com­ple­mented with un­du­lat­ing lines and cir­cles. There is some­thing lov­ing about the re­sult, which looks like flow­ery or­na­ments. The lines and cir­cles and dis­torted let­ter­ing pre­vent the text from being rec­og­nized by a com­puter. The trans­for­ma­tion is based on an al­go­rithm orig­i­nally de­vel­oped for the com­puter ap­pli­ca­tion CAPTCHA (Com­puter Au­to­mated Pro­gram Telling Com­put­ers from Hu­mans Apart). Such pro­grammes and Web plat­forms are used when it is nec­es­sary to dis­tin­guish be­tween hu­mans and ma­chines. CAPTCHA pre­vents the au­to­matic in­tru­sion of spam bots, for in­stance, to comb the In­ter­net for e-mail ad­dresses. Schorderet mod­i­fied the pro­gram for his pro­ject, turn­ing a prac­ti­cal Web ap­pli­ca­tion into a po­etic one. His pub­li­ca­tion, All the Best, shows se­lected ex­am­ples of his web in­ter­face, which he cre­ated for his bach­e­lor's the­sis pro­ject at the Ecole can­tonale d'art de Lau­sanne in 2009. 'The let­ter' is not just for fun; it has al­ready been used sev­eral times, for in­stance in Valentin Car­ron's artist's book, Learn­ing from Mar­tigny. De­signed by Gav­il­let & Rust and Vin­cent De­vaud, it was one of the win­ners of the Fed­eral Of­fice of Cul­ture's most beau­ti­ful Swiss books com­pe­ti­tion in 2009.
Peter Stohler


Jeremy Schorderet
Born in
designer HES en communication visuelle