Céline Buehrer


Céline Buehrer

'My Ex-Wife is Big Mary', collection d'habits (travail de diplôme)

Fashion Design

Jurybericht - Rapport du jury - Rapporto della giuria - Jury report

Boxes of Poetry
Dur­ing the prepa­ra­tions for the sec­ond round of the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Award 2010, eight sealed card­board boxes sud­denly turned up on the table. The jury un­packed them some­what gin­gerly: feath­ers, chains, bands, fab­rics, washed-out T-shirts and, tucked right down at the bot­tom, men's shoes. Even­tu­ally, they plucked up the courage to try them on and, sud­denly, an al­most mag­i­cal dy­namic began to de­velop. All around the table, the con­tents of the boxes were ex­am­ined and held up to scrutiny. Every­body re­ceived an en­tire out­fit from Céline Buehrer's men's col­lec­tion 'My Ex-Wife is Big Mary'.

Buehrer's work started with some old items of cloth­ing. She ex­per­i­mented with their form and func­tion: a sim­ple pullover with a third arm sewn onto the chest, a clas­sic blazer but­toned up askew, a sneaker with­out laces or logos, pared down to the min­i­mum. The out­fits are then com­pleted and com­ple­mented by un­usual ac­ces­sories: sump­tu­ous feath­ers grac­ing a shoul­der, or a golden bow adorn­ing a man's neck. Each piece can be play­fully mixed and matched with any other piece.

Céline Buehrer, whose de­signs have to be seen as a process, likes to take her in­spi­ra­tion from fan­tasy films fea­tur­ing cir­cus or car­ni­val scenes. She is fas­ci­nated by the fig­ures that in­habit this world: strange freaks and bizarre crea­tures, peo­ple who are some­how dif­fer­ent, and whose true beauty lies in the very fact of their being dif­fer­ent. In the col­lec­tion 'My Ex-Wife is Big Mary', Céline Buehrer ap­plies imag­i­na­tive de­tails and cre­ative skill to breathe new and glam­orous life into sim­ple, often pre-worn, ba­sics. In­ci­den­tally, 'Big Mary' was the name of a cir­cus ele­phant that had to be put down in 1916 due to er­ratic be­hav­iour.
Anna Niederhäuser


Céline Buehrer
Born in
designer de mode HES
