
BONBON: Valeria Bonin / Diego Bontognali

Nine publications

Graphic Design

Jury report

Design for Things Theoretical and Exotic
How can de­sign be used to make a the­o­ret­i­cal mag­a­zine at­trac­tive? Va­le­ria Bonin and Diego Bon­tog­nali, both grad­u­ates of the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), work to­gether under the name Bon­bon. Their sig­na­ture is seen on mag­a­zines like '31', a pe­ri­od­i­cal of ZHdK's In­si­tutue for Crit­i­cal The­ory. Their cov­ers typ­i­cally fea­ture large type­faces, some­times in colour, with the strik­ing at­tribute of serv­ing both as the cover and the table of con­tents. The mag­a­zine is printed on grey­ish card­board-like paper, not par­tic­u­larly at­trac­tive in it­self, but Bon­bon have in­vested the mag­a­zine with an inim­itable, slightly clunky ap­pear­ance that em­i­nently suits an art school's the­o­ret­i­cal re­search in­sti­tute. Al­ways look­ing for new so­lu­tions, the two de­sign­ers clearly have a flair for highly so­phis­ti­cated de­tails. They have de­signed sev­eral photo books from archival ma­te­r­ial, in­clud­ing a book about the Let­zi­graben baths. The cover shows a cu­ri­ously faded pho­to­graph, like an old fam­ily pho­to­graph, in po­etic evo­ca­tion of the in­sti­tu­tion's early days. Bon­bon also de­sign artists' books like 'Por­to­bello' by Hilde­gard Spiel­hofer. The largely white cover is un­usual since Bonin and Bon­tog­nali or­di­nar­ily have no qualms about 'all over' de­sign and, in fact, cul­ti­vate a cer­tain elab­o­rate ex­u­ber­ane. Based in Zürich, the duo also teach – Va­le­ria Bonin at the Zürich F+F, Diego Bon­tog­nali at the Ecole can­tonale d'art de Lau­sanne. From 2007 to 2009, the Fed­eral Of­fice of Cul­ture com­mis­sioned them to de­sign the pub­li­ca­tions for the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Awards.
Peter Stohler


Valeria Bonin
Geboren Né/Née en Nato/Nata in Born in

Designerin FH, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation
Group name

also in

Diego Bontognali
Born in
Ausbildung Formation Education

Designer FH, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation
Group name


also in
