Sonnhild Kestler

Sonnhild Kestler
© BAK / Ruth Erdt

Sonnhild Kestler


For over 20 years, tex­tile de­signer Sonnhild Kestler has cre­ated elab­o­rate, hand­made tex­tiles for her label S.K. HAND-DRUCK. Her prod­ucts are dis­tin­guished by ex­quis­ite fab­rics and an inim­itable com­bi­na­tion of colour and de­sign. For her or­na­ments, she looks to the folk­lore of East­ern Eu­rope, re­li­gious cult im­agery of South­east Asia, chil­dren's books and even every­day cul­ture. Using a kind of col­lage tech­nique, she prints in­di­vid­ual el­e­ments on paper and keeps re­assem­bling them until she has pro­duced the at­mos­phere she is look­ing for. In the process, she makes films, il­lu­mi­nates silkscreens, mixes colours and stretches fab­ric on the print table. Kestler uses up to 20 colours per de­sign so that she can pro­duce only four to eight hand-printed scarves per day, es­pe­cially since she often en­hances them with em­broi­dery or cro­cheted trim. These lux­u­ri­ous cre­ations are the core of the col­lec­tion and they form Kestler's dis­tinc­tive uni­verse, along with her de­signs for tow­els, weav­ings in wool and cot­ton and other ac­ces­sories.