Otto Künzli

© BAK / Ruth Erdt

Otto Künzli


The Con­fed­er­a­tion has awarded Otto Künzli the Swiss Grand Award for De­sign in ho­n­our of his oeu­vre and his teach­ing ca­reer as a pro­fes­sor and head of the jew­ellery de­part­ment at the Akademie der Bilden­den Künste München. He is one of the most im­por­tant jew­ellery de­sign­ers in Eu­rope and well known in­ter­na­tion­ally. His cre­ations are clear, re­duced and yet often am­bigu­ous. His sub­tle stud­ies in cul­tural phe­nom­ena lead at times to rad­i­cal state­ments on such top­ics as con­sumerism, the ar­bi­trari­ness of val­ues, power, van­ity and ex­ploita­tion, to which he often gives an ironic and play­ful twist. His work is rep­re­sented in many na­tional and in­ter­na­tional col­lec­tions of jew­ellery. In the course of his teach­ing ca­reer at the Akademie der Bilden­den Künste München, he has had the priv­i­lege of train­ing a num­ber of jew­ellers who now enjoy great renown.