Christoph Hefti

© BAK / Ruth Erdt

Christoph Hefti

Textile designer, musician, artist

Christoph Hefti was born in Lau­sanne and cur­rently lives in Antwerp and Brus­sels. After train­ing as a tex­tile de­signer at the Zurich De­sign School he moved to Cen­tral St. Mar­tin's School of Art and De­sign in Lon­don where he took an MA in Fash­ion with Dis­tinc­tion. Since 1997 he has been work­ing as cre­ative as­sis­tant and print de­signer for Dries van Noten in Antwerp. In that ca­pac­ity, he is re­spon­si­ble in co­op­er­a­tion with a team for the de­sign, de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of fab­rics. Hefti is a highly ver­sa­tile artist. His suc­cess at unit­ing his var­i­ous tal­ents is im­pres­sive. For in­stance, he also works on his own video and per­for­mance pro­jects; to­gether with the Swiss film maker and film com­poser Do­minik Scher­rer he forms the Per­for­mance-Elec­tro-Pop-Duo Taxi val Mentek. At their con­certs they cre­ate a to­tally unique cos­mos, a con­ge­nial blend of video art and a uni­verse of sound which is un­ri­valled.
The Fed­eral Au­thor­i­ties are ho­n­our­ing Christoph Hefti for his cre­ativ­ity, his blur­ring of the bound­aries be­tween de­sign, art and music which he man­ages to com­bine seem­ingly ef­fort­lessly.