Lex Trüb


Lex Trüb

Various publications

Graphic Design

Jury report

Sense of Order and Breaking the Order
Alex Trüb sub­mit­ted seven mul­ti­fac­eted pub­li­ca­tions for this year's com­pe­ti­tion; the re­sult of the last four years. The books aren't just beau­ti­ful to look at, but they also give the reader an in­sight into the work­ing method. Trüb takes struc­tures he's found and de­vel­ops them fur­ther, re­acts to re­sis­tance and searches for so­lu­tions that fit the bill: this is what char­ac­terises this graphic de­signer's work­ing meth­ods, as well as his un­flinch­ing com­mit­ment to ty­po­graphic de­tails. Ex­em­pli­fy­ing the work he did over three years for the Schaus­piel­haus Zürich is 'O.T. Ein Er­satzbuch'. The basic struc­ture for the ret­ro­spec­tive is the chrono­log­i­cal lin­ing up of pho­tographs of typ­i­cal stage sit­u­a­tions. Each is jux­ta­posed with a page from the free com­muter paper '20 Minuten', thus re­tract­ing four years under the artis­tic di­rec­tion of Christoph Marthaler so that they can be un­der­stood in a unique man­ner, in a pub­lic and cur­rent frame­work. Max­i­mum clar­ity cou­pled with a large de­gree of het­ero­gene­ity is also on offer in 'Bekan­nt­machun­gen', an ex­hi­bi­tion cat­a­logue archiv­ing the ex­ten­sive pic­to­r­ial and tex­tual ma­te­r­ial of the '20 Jahre Stu­di­en­gang Bildende Kunst SBK der Hochschule für Gestal­tung und Kunst Zürich' ('20 years of the fine arts de­gree course at Zurich's Acad­emy of Art and De­sign') at the Kun­sthalle Zürich and 'Cneai=neuf ans', a doc­u­men­tary that en­com­passes the ac­tiv­i­ties and pub­li­ca­tions of Paris art in­sti­tu­tion Cneai over the last nine years. Es­pe­cially with such large pro­jects re­quir­ing a lot of time, com­mit­ment and en­ergy, Trüb man­ages to frame a wealth of ma­te­ri­als and ideas per­fectly within a co­her­ent basic struc­ture that, while it is eas­ily recog­nis­able and read, is con­stantly – in won­der­fully ir­ri­tat­ing man­ner – un­der­mined with blank pages or small de­vi­a­tions from the rules. When this re­source­ful de­signer meets greats such as Peter Sav­ille or Marc Camille Chaimow­icz a cre­ative high is the nat­ural con­se­quence. The im­pressed jury take their hats off to the ex­tra­or­di­nary achieve­ments and wealth of cre­ativ­ity on show.
Ed­uard Hart­mann


Lex Trüb
Born in


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