Lex Trüb


Lex Trüb

Various printed matters (visual communication)

Graphic Design

Jury report

Alex Trüb's submission comprises a review, in the form of posters, seasonal previews and programmes, of his unique four years of activity at the Schauspielhaus Zürich. On the fertile ground of ‘deconstruction of the existing', initially together with Cornel Windlin, he developed, in collaboration with his constantly changing team, a remarkably self-dynamic language in the context of this institution. With great self-assurance, the programmes did not appear as summaries of the performed pieces, but instead saw themselves as contextual expansions and, with their independent visual language, were thematically related to the performed pieces. Under great time and cost-cutting pressure, albeit secure in the knowledge of the support of theatre management, Alex Trüb and his crew managed to bring convincing consistency to the multi-part communication of this theatre. Thus, the Schauspielhaus Zürich appeared self-confidently in a new look on the public stage for the announcement of each performance. A unique form of constancy was the lasting innovation.


Lex Trüb
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