Katja Naima Schalcher
'Strange shapes of things [that fly]' (diploma work)
Graphic Design
'Strange shapes of things [that fly]' (diploma work)
Graphic Design
The flying saucer and other modern myths
Under the title of 'Strange shapes of things (that fly)' Katja Naima Schalcher presents her diploma work in the form of two bound publications created in 2007 at the Zürcher Hochschule der Kunst (ZHdK). The main elements of this very elaborately designed work are modern myths and conspiracy theories. She uses the UFO myth as a tool for researching the origins and nature of these myths and theories. Lou Zinsstag, of Basel, has carefully compiled an archive of unknown flying objects and this provides the starting point for the research. Eye-witness accounts, newspaper articles and pictures document the numerous stories of eerie sightings since the 1940s, featuring objects ranging from the classic saucer via inexplicable flare constellations to the flying potato.
The graphic design underlines the material character of the archive documents. Old photographs, newspaper articles, drawings, recorded interviews with eye witnesses, typewritten letters or handwritten notes are pictured as they were found.
Katja Naima Schalcher has successfully made an existing archive visually powerful, complementing the topic with current reflections and information and to presenting parts of the archive in a new, concentrated order. The publication with the varied page design that reveals all kinds of extraterrestrial trivia is captivating. Modern myths' typical development process is lent visual force in the course of the publication by increasingly blown up UFO pictures. By analogy with this, the nightmarish conspiracy topic takes up more space from page to page and inevitably captures the reader.
Aurelia Müller
Katja Naima Schalcher
Born in
Designerin FH, Studienbereich Visuelle Kommunikation