Aude Lehmann


Aude Lehmann

Various publications

Graphic Design

Jury report

Everything and much more
2008 is Aude Lehmann's year: she's won her third award in the Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Com­pe­ti­tion (after 1999 and 2001) and has been given the 'Jan Tschi­chold Prize' by the Fed­eral De­part­ment of Home Af­fairs. An out­stand­ing achieve­ment and well-de­served.
Aude Lehmann has had her own stu­dio in Zurich for 10 years. Her work ethic in­forms her cre­ative ac­tiv­i­ties. She re­sponds to the book pro­ject she's work­ing on through her vi­sual lan­guage and makes cre­ative state­ments on the basis of the con­tent. This means that it's not her own vi­sual lan­guage that's at the cen­tre of her work, but her search for an ad­e­quate means of ex­pres­sion for the book pro­ject as a whole. This, of course, sig­nif­i­cantly in­creases her own in­volve­ment. She be­comes a crit­i­cal coun­ter­part to the client and some­one who adds her in­tel­lec­tual input. Her in­volve­ment is re­flected in the con­cep­tual and for­mal dis­course, but also in the sen­sual and sen­sory ap­pear­ance and the idio­syn­cratic care of every sin­gle pub­li­ca­tion.
Much of Aude Lehmann's com­mis­sioned work moves within the realm of cul­ture and the arts, as do the books ho­n­oured in the com­pe­ti­tion. One pro­ject in par­tic­u­lar stands out: Aude Lehmann's self-pub­lished – with Tan Wälchli – pub­li­ca­tion se­ries 'Wh­yart'. The first two vol­umes 'Aura' and 'Glam­our' have al­ready been pub­lished: to­gether with Tan Wälchli, she is re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent and form, the log­i­cal next step if you con­sider how she con­ceives of de­sign.
Pa­trizia Criv­elli


Aude Lehmann
Born in